Forum Post: Are we "Useful" or just "Useful Idiots"
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 12, 2011, 4:32 p.m. EST by thestateofthetruth
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Like in Egypt and many other countries throughout the middle east the same people the protestors fought to over throw were behind the scenes waiting for the honest citizens to do their dirty work for them. They did this only to see a further loss of freedom. They were duped into a lie. Beware, what you wish for, you just might get. That is shutting down the current system of government but only to see it replaced by a more sinister version of state control, fascism and lose of overall personal freedoms. There is no such thing as a perfect solution but we do still have the ability to infiltrate, organize and make real change that promotes change that matters. The idea that capitalism is "all" bad is ridiculous. Capitalism has created the greatest nation this world has ever seen. A nation were even the poorest among us are Iphone toting well fed individuals. The real problem this nation faces is "crony capitalism". The kind that regardless of political affiliation has truly infiltrated our system of government. This type of capitalism allows companies like GE to pay a 0% tax rate. No bid contracts, billion dollar unions and politicians using insider information to gain wealth has to stop. Occupy DC, push for term limits and make the corrupt insider practices of the members of government punishable by jail time. That will do more to turn the tide toward true freedom and fairness than anything else.
Unless there is some serious Tar and Feathering going on in DC we are just useful Idiots.
Very true! Both parties are the target. Unfortunately our schools and universities are nothing more than indoctrination HQ. We as the people need to explore on equal account all sides and determine what we believe in from a internal level. Knowing who you are as an individual and having the courage to push through your inner weakness is the first start. Then becoming active in encouraging others to do the same is key. Love your strengths, overcome your weakness, teach others to do the same and reach out to those of like mind = the best man has to offer.
how do you push anything if you have zero political power? 'WE' have to exert real political power.
Occupy has no effect unless focused and understands that some seek to make us useful idiots. The people are there unfortunately the quality is low. Making real focused issues prominent is key.
did you read the Declaration?
Well, you might be . .. .
I note you say nothing of the underlying issue of our current, deregulationist theory of economics, and nothing about holding those who have broken the law responsible for their crimes.
Of course I refer to institutions like Goldman Sux, MF Global, and the like.
My comment was very direct and clear. Term limits and putting laws on the books "that are enforced" to make those that take advantage of their power pay with "sever" consequences will solve the majority of our nations problems.
i'm not sure where you get your stats, but walk around any city, and you'll see what's going on, you'll see first hand many poor don't have iphones or any phone and go from meal to meal. far too many are hungry and w/o shelter, while street after street is lined with abandon homes..
City planners don't care though, and so-called leaders above them certainly don't care. It's all left to rot, they have other agendas, which doesn't involve taking care of their people