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Forum Post: Are we (OWS) a 'Rent A Mob' of Michael Moore?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 9:33 a.m. EST by frankjr (44)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

As OWS supporter I watched Michael Moore on CNN yesterday night. He thinks it his movement. Is he official spokesman of us?

He tried to portray us as rival of tea party. We are not tea party version of democrats.

He said that corporate world is responsible for every bad thing happening. We are not against corporations but we are against greed and corruption. He lives in his cosy mansion and think he is the leader. If he is fat and obese, according to his theory it because of corporations.

He than said he is the good 1%. First he denied that he is 1%.

He sounded so pessimistic, he told some of the audience member there is no hope in USA. People have risen from rags to riches. Ask any immigrant how much money that brought when they migrated. Most of them cam with less than 100 dollars in their pocket.

He was trying to steer the conversation against republicans and give political touch to the whole movement. He never mentioned corruption in government.

He was trying say Canada and England are better countries than USA. Why the host pierce Morgan moved to US from England. Why all the stars from Europe move to Hollywood. These are my personal thoughts and other OWS members have right to contradict me.



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[-] 1 points by whynot (34) 13 years ago

Michael Moore...how about Michael Less?

[-] 1 points by corvusdrake (1) from Knoxville, TN 13 years ago

Michael Moore is one of those people who started in the 99% protesting the 1% through the form of media he enjoys the most, but I get the real sense he struggles with success. Not in that success is hard for him, but that he's constantly battling the demon that monetary success becomes. He's sort-of in the 99%, yet isn't. He agrees fundamentally with the message, but wants it categorized and combatant like what he's used to (like the 1% do). In short, he wants to be rich, but he wants to be right, and this is a movement saying you can't do both without putting one of the two on the back burner.

Trying to hijack a movement, however, is not identifying with it. He is simply becoming what he hates. I welcome his support of our cause, as long as it's support. It's 99%, not 98.9999% waiting for Michael Moore to lead us.

[-] 1 points by frankjr (44) 13 years ago

I respect the guy for his beliefs. My problem is always portrays pessimism and one side view of problems. He portrays other countries are doing good but we are doomed. I know we have problems and we cannot just blame one group. Everybody is responsible to some extent. I agree corporations are just for profit now and they dropped the idea of social responsiblity. We have remind these corporations that they are party of society.

[-] 1 points by Truth (50) 13 years ago

Well put.

[-] 0 points by jay1975 (428) 13 years ago

Those with the most who claim to support OWS are trying to make it a left vs right movement, which is actually ensuring that the movement will never get to be more than 20% to 30% of the voting public. These wealthy windbags are hurting the cause, not furthering it.