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Forum Post: Are WE Lobsters----The Art of Trickery/ and How to catch a Lobster with your Bare Hands

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 7, 2011, 12:11 a.m. EST by reality101 (61) from Bradenton, FL
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Main Lobsters have TWO large Claws to defend themselves yet they can be caught easily with trickery.

All that is required is to wave one hand in front of the Lobsters eyes to get his attention. The other hand is used to grab him just in back of his eyes. You now have him secured and he is unable to defend himself. Into the boiling pot he goes to be consumed..

Are we being treated as LOBSTERS by our own government. Are they getting our attention while they grab us by the neck and get ready to throw us into the boiling pot.

Look around and remember the French Revolution. Everyone had their day at the Guilotine. At first as a spectator then as the Main Attraction.



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