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Forum Post: Are using the Rainbow Gathering knowledge?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 6:33 p.m. EST by provojoe (7) from San Jose, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Are we using best practices modeled in the yearly Rainbow Gatherings to improvise settlements and group participation and peaceful decision-making? If not we should be. I don't personally have experience but is there one or some among us who do???? Here's what I mean:




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[-] 1 points by provojoe (7) from San Jose, CA 13 years ago

Thanks Katrina! Do you have any rainbow family friends who have experience organizing/creating the gatherings?

[-] 1 points by Katrina58 (1) 13 years ago

Wow. I was at this gathering! ! I didn't know there was a video like this! Ive been going to gatherings since '96. I brought my sister & daughter to this one and they loved it. I was wondering if there were any rainbow fam occupying wall St bcuz there is a strong similarity. I googled rainbow family on wall St and I found this. :) awesome <3 it

[-] 1 points by provojoe (7) from San Jose, CA 13 years ago

Thanks Richard!

[-] 1 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

keep plugging this, not not let the topic drop. post variations in replies as well, if you have a blog, get a link to this thread on it and your comment. that will help this page show up in google results(SEO)