Forum Post: Are There Two Seperate 99% Movements?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 2:28 p.m. EST by Innervision
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I wrote a post recommending the 99% movement, that I thought was a separate group from OWS. If it is not a separate group and the insiders of OWS are involved then I do not endorse the 99% movement.
Will someone please clear up the confusion?.
As things are going 99% of us are turning against this mess.
I do not support OWS. I do support a movement that is free of infiltration by the US Government. I thought the other 99declaration was a separate movement, am I wrong?
The 99%Declaration is a separate group that seeks change by working with and through government. My understanding is that this group basically split from OWS. I think it was because the 99%Decl wanted to identify specific grievances/demands and OWS is against that. They were originally a working group of some sort within OWS, until the issue of the specific grievances became too much for OWS ptb to bear. So the NYCGA "page" that the 99%Decl was using was deleted from the OWS site. Then there was some back and forth negotiation between 99%Decl and NYCGA, and it looks like a link to 99%Decl has since been put back up by the NYCGA. But 99%Decl is not part of OWS, to my knowledge. OWS specifically said at one point that they do not endorse the 99%Decl, or something close to that affect. There was some discussion about what I have summarized here on the 99%Decl FB page. But you would have to dig deep, because this happened, more than a few weeks ago.
This is the "official" site. There is no forum as of yet, only the FB page.
This may help you too with a bit more background.
I have not seen any evidence that 99%Decl is infilitrated by anything/anyone. I think it looks pretty legit, if your goal is to affect change through working with government. My concern with OWS is not government infiltration, but the anarchists that are running this movement. I don't see any evidence of that at the 99% Decl.
As another option, you might be interested in this as well.
Thank you so much , that was very helpful.
Ditto on that!
The OWS movement is just a big mess of hypocrites bundled together yaking about every aspect of life they do not like.
The American Nazi Party, the Communist Party USA, the Black Panther Party, Socialist Party USA, Industrial Workers of the World, White Revolution, Marxist Student Union, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, and the Revolutionary Communist Party are just a few of the known groups that make up the OWS movement.
This organization may be infiltrated by everybody but that doesn't mean that there are not significant problems with how our government is being run. We have way too much money in politics,voting machines that can be manipulated to steal elections etc. I'm all for a movement to address these problems, I just believe this one was corrupted early on.
Our government has problems but they are not going to be resolved by disorganized protest movements made up of contradicting groups.
Okay, I am now confused - What is the OWS method on how to change what they do not like? Because I believe it starts with government laws and regulations to get anything accomplished in society.
If our representatives are bought off by special interest groups, such as large corporations, then it becomes hard to be heard. That's why we have peaceful protest. OWS kind of scares me because, some of the symbols on the web site look like they might be supporting violence. Why so much about the Arab Spring? It is a totally different uprising.
If you read the news page, OWS says "we don't need Wall Street and we don't need politicians to build a better society."
I don't believe this movement has any intention of working with government. I think when they say "we don't need politicians" they mean that in the literal sense.
This is a Direct Action movement. If you do some research on Direct Action you will find that it is often associated with anarchism. One of the "founders" of this movement is a self proclaimed anarchist. Direct Democracy is another principle used by OWS that is associated with anarchy.
I'm pretty sure that the "news" page here used to say that this is a "direct action" movement. It looks like it has since been replaced to say "resistance" movement. I can't prove that, I'm just going from memory. Maybe someone else remembers same?? I could be mistaken.
I think, they are not same. I support OWS only.
You have your right to your opinion.
I want to support a movement that will work well with our democracy. One that is transparent, with good intent. OWS doesn't feel like that to me.
ows knows that if it has a single leader- a chain of command- or any pyramid structure -- it can not survive! the structure of ows is the same as the arab spring- -----A PARALLEL STRUCTURE ---- everyone is a leader- no one can be singled out for prosecution . Ows is organized under a vision, and its members decide what to do based on that vision- and that vision is rapidly evolving here.
I'm sorry to say that it looks like it is not evolving, but falling apart. You can not accomplish anything if you do not have leadership you can trust, a clear message, and organization. Too many people trying to drive the train without a clear direction, leads to derailment. I don"t know if it's Anarchists or government or maybe both, but the powers that be are running this like they don;t want it to get anywhere. If too many protesters lose heart and retreat, what will happen next? When some gross injustice is perceived in the future, will it erupt in violence on the street?
n an old townhouse in East Boston an elderly stooped man is tending rare orchids in his shabby office. His Labrador Sally lies on the floor between stacks of academic papers watching him as he shuffles past.
This is Dr Gene Sharp the man now credited with the strategy behind the toppling of the Egyptian government.
Gene Sharp is the world's foremost expert on non-violent revolution. His work has been translated into more than 30 languages, his books slipped across borders and hidden from secret policemen all over the world. Continue reading the main story Key Steps on the Path to Revolution Gene Sharp book
As Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia and Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine fell to the colour revolutions which swept across Eastern Europe, each of the democratic movements paid tribute to Sharp's contribution, yet he remained largely unknown to the public.
Despite these successes and a Nobel Peace Prize nomination in 2009 he has faced almost constant financial hardship and wild accusations of being a CIA front organisation. The Albert Einstein Institution based on the ground floor of his home is kept running by sheer force of personality and his fiercely loyal Executive Director, Jamila Raqib.
In 2009 I began filming a documentary following the impact of Sharp's work from his tranquil rooftop orchid house, across four continents and eventually to Tahrir square where I slept alongside protesters who read his work by torchlight in the shadow of tanks.
Gene Sharp is no Che Guevara but he may have had more influence than any other political theorist of his generation.
His central message is that the power of dictatorships comes from the willing obedience of the people they govern - and that if the people can develop techniques of withholding their consent, a regime will crumble.
For decades now, people living under authoritarian regimes have made a pilgrimage to Gene Sharp for advice. His writing has helped millions of people around the world achieve their freedom without violence. "As soon as you choose to fight with violence you're choosing to fight against your opponents best weapons and you have to be smarter than that," he insists.
"People might be a little surprised when they come here, I don't tell them what to do. They've got to learn how this non-violent struggle works so they can do it for themselves."
We have a Constitution that guarantees our freedom. There is no use in telling me about other movements around the world that have been suffering under dictatorship for years. That is not our problem.
We have a few issues that we need to address with a constitutional convention.
This is very well written but I do not believe it applies to our situation in the United States.
I think the history of the 99% movement can be found here:
4000 Facebook members and getting stronger every day
Thanks for your reply...but I am not on Facebook
A new website is being developed as we speak, with a tentative opening date of 12/2. I don't know how much I'm entitled to write in these replies, but I could take a crack at posting it here after I get the author's permission. Interested?
Sure, go for it, as long as this site you are talking about has nothing to do with OWS, Anarchists, or the US Government.