Forum Post: Are the rich getting all the good women?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 1:04 a.m. EST by VladimirMayakovsky
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Should good women be made into a state property shared equally among everyone?
Last post for the night for me - have a long day ahead tomorrow laying off people and offshoring their jobs. I may also have to kick some people personally, drink their blood and dance on their corpse for good measure.
Oh the things I do to be a member of the 1%.
Do not measure a woman by her looks, but by her consciousness and heart. Nobility comes from within. What good is it to have a woman who does not know what love is.
Ows with a sense of humour.... So rare
Funny thing about the rich, when they lose "their" money, women disappear, too.
Apparently not ALL of them. See
That blog was a reminder to me that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Well then maybe the 1% DO have all YOUR women ;o)
Well they do have hotter women. I live in South Beach, where the 1% take their beautiful, shaved-and-showered women to show them off and to keep them safe from the rif-raff. Maybe Occupy should demand new taxes on cosmetic procedures. In my town it would generate a lot of revenue.
LOL ! I hate manufactured looking women. I actually have a strange attraction to the natural and wild. I say this speaking purely of looks. My wife is rather conventional looking, but she's a "wild women" in her head, and I love her for it.
Ahh NOW it makes more sense, why you're still here...
They all look the same in ASCII !
No way your missing out 1% lots of lil cuties at my OWS . Oh yea their not as uptight and alot freakier then those snuddy stuck up bitchs you hang out with.
Hippy chicks smell like hamsters. I don't mind a little stank but I'm talking end of the day stank, not "I haven't had a bath or shaved my legs in forever, let's fuck" kind of stank.
Well, this was one of my questions as relates to tech-society. Sexuality itself drives inequality.
Clearly you are not getting any.