Forum Post: Are the police even aware of what's going on in our government and on Wall Street?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 11:49 p.m. EST by genanmer
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As long as they remain unaware and willfully ignorant violence will continue.
In what ways have wall street and other groups screwed over the police in the past and more recently?
they have to follow orders in order to pay for their families though, so you can't blame them, they have to, they can't help it, blame the higher officials
I agree. Perhaps better communication between the police and OWS would help the situation.
lets have the 99% pay for the overtime of the cops because of the 1% camping out at the park necessiating hundreds of thousands of dollars of NYPD overtime
We at feel terrible for the people who were hurt in Oakland. We do not advocate violence on either side. We think, however, that protests will be much more effective if directed at the powers of Government. This means protesting on Capitol Hill. A lot of the 99 percent voted for Obama, and it is now hard to appear opposed to him. But only Obama and the Senate and the House can make the changes we need. Until they feel threatened (not physically) we will get nowhere, and we'll only see more tragedy like we saw in Oakland. Please focus where it matters. ............... .................. ................
28year vetran Police Officer here...I supported this movement in the begining because everyone seemed genuine. Now with Acorn, and American Comunist party running the movement, I think it may be over. My suggestion has always been to take away the main weapon of Wall Street/corrupt Corporations by voting out ALL incumbent politicians They are bought and paid for by special intrests. As to the injured protestors, I'm truly sad about that. I took this job to keep people safe. But, if you stand on a train track with your eyes closed, dont bitch when you get hit by a train.
No police wanted to be there, fucking late at night, working overtime, getting called pigs and being baited. None of those cops wanted to deal with that shit at all.
So, you know, don't abbreviate the police. They're people too and have their breaking point if you keep calling them pigs.
No only you know "The Truth" the police are just a collective group of homogenous individuals who don't do anything except think about their job
not really, in a way, they are a part of the 99%, it's just that it's too much of a risk for them to join in, they can't afford to think about anything else but their job, and their familiy
Or maybe they think you guys are totally ridiculous and laughable and will be forgotten in a year
so, you're not a believer, perhaps, you're just a kid, not knowing what adversity is, so, what happens when your inheritance doesn't come through, and what happens when the people become very more, what a joke you are, besides, the country is made up of the people, the country, is the people, and you can't deny that, you probably just think that people can't change anything, one or a few can't get anything done, but the 99% can get something done.
You make a lot of assumptions.
Your not much of a tutor of Plato, I see no reasoning or thought process from you. It is actually quite laughable to say that you self procalaimed 99% are actually the most repetitive, sheeplike, uninformed, cliche spouting, overpriviliged group of people that ever walked this earth. 99% is perfect for you guys, not one original thought.
your reality is flawed, your mind cannot see the reality, you are someone who cannot come to terms that, what if, for say, you, were to lose that inheritance, what then? guess what, i'm a kid also, but i know about adversity, my reality, and situation, has allowed me to see what people have to go through when their life is going to be put through crap, now you see, I can tell you this, you're nothing, I am everything, you're someone who probably can't really even think for himself, i bet you that your inheritance is probably going to an Ivy school, (i don't know if that's exactly what it's called) you know, someone like me, i will live for others, and you, shall be so selfish, to where you, cannot feel anything but greed, we do not have it good right now, and you, are evil, you, are part of the adversity, i dare you, go out, and live on the street for months without having anything, i have something coming for me too, i get a bunch of money from my tribe, but i have a plan to do something actually good, something that you, will never understand because you put yourself over the people that are around you, you don't understand, you're ignorant, and you can't think straight even if you tried, if i was the tutor of Plato, who was my teacher?
Really some dumb kid from the Rez is going to tell me they know something about the world, laughable. Especially some jerk that just because he is a certain ethniticity he is entitled to something for free. Let me remind you that most educational grants from tribes come from the federal government. I knew a lot of indians at school, right up in your neck of the woods and most of them drank their ass out school after they blew through money that should never been given to them. Drink up Johny I'm paying for it
you think that i'm one of those traditional kids? well, i'm the non-ordinary indian, i am someone who can see past your mind, your mind tells you that you have to be incredibly selfish, and, you're probably going to end up like paris Hilton, someone who doesn't deserve that much money
You certainly don't deserve any money and I know your not grateful for it. Selfish, wow you very insightful. Contact me in 2 years when your drunk and booted out of the University of Idaho, I will get you a job with all my inheritance money.
lol, are you going to use your money to make sure that i fail? you think that i'm going to waste my money, i can make money with that money, i'm going to invest in something that can allow me, and a lot of other people to become the rich, i can flip who is rich, and who is poor, just by a thought that i have, you cannot just judge me, but other people too, because i have found a way to have a bunch of people become rich at once, without any fall backs, if a bunch of people were to pool together their money, and buy into collectivism, then the class warfare can be over without any sign of doubt in my head.