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Forum Post: Are Libertarians "Anarchists"?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 29, 2011, 10:32 a.m. EST by ProAntiState (43)
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"The major difficulty in any analysis of anarchism is that the term covers extremely conflicting doctrines. The root of the word comes from the term anarche, meaning opposition to authority or commands. This is broad enough to cover a host of different political doctrines. Generally these doctrines have been lumped together as "anarchist" because of their common hostility to the existence of the State, the coercive monopolist of force and authority. Anarchism arose in the 19th century, and since then the most active and dominant anarchist doctrine has been that of "anarchist communism." This is an apt tern for a doctrine which has also been called "collectivist anarchism," "anarcho-syndicalism," and "libertarian communism." We may term this set of related doctrines "left-wing anarchism." Anarchist communism is primarily of Russian origin, forged by Prince Peter Kropotkin and Michael Bakunin, and it is this form that has connoted "anarchism" throughout the continent of Europe.

The principal feature of anarchist communism is that it attacks private property just as vigorously as it attacks the State. Capitalism is considered as much of a tyranny, "in the economic realm," as the State in the political realm. The left-wing anarchist hates capitalism and private property with perhaps even more fervor than does the socialist or Communist. Like the Marxists, the left-wing anarchist is convinced that the capitalists exploit and dominate the workers, and also that the landlords invariably are exploiting peasants. The economic views of the anarchists present them with a crucial dilemma, the pons asinorum of left-wing anarchy: how can capitalism and private property be abolished, while the State is abolished at the same time? The socialists proclaim the glory of the State, and the use of the State to abolish private property — for them the dilemma does not exist. The orthodox Marxist Communist, who pays lip service to the ideal of left-wing anarchy, resolves the dilemma by use of the Hegelian dialectic: that mysterious process by which something is converted into its opposite. The Marxists would enlarge the State to the maximum and abolish capitalism, and then sit back confidently to wait upon the State's "withering away."

The spurious logic of the dialectic is not open to the left-wing anarchists, who wish to abolish the State and capitalism simultaneously. The nearest those anarchists have come to resolving the problem has been to uphold syndicalism as the ideal. In syndicalism, each group of workers and peasants is supposed to own its means of production in common, and plan for itself, while cooperating with other collectives and communes. Logical analysis of these schemes would readily show that the whole program is nonsense. Either of two things would occur: one central agency would plan for and direct the various subgroups, or the collectives themselves would be really autonomous. But the crucial question is whether these agencies would be empowered to use force to put their decisions into effect. All of the left-wing anarchists have agreed that force is necessary against recalcitrants. But then the first possibility means nothing more nor less than Communism, while the second leads to a real chaos of diverse and clashing Communisms, that would probably lead finally to some central Communism after a period of social war. Thus, left-wing anarchism must in practice signify either regular Communism or a true chaos of communistic syndics. In both cases, the actual result must be that the State is reestablished under another name. It is the tragic irony of left-wing anarchism that, despite the hopes of its supporters, it is not really anarchism at all. It is either Communism or chaos."




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[-] 2 points by ronimacarroni (1089) 13 years ago

"Thus, left-wing anarchism must in practice signify either regular Communism or a true chaos of communistic syndics"


[-] 1 points by RedJazz43 (2757) 13 years ago

Back in the 1960s and before libertarianism or libertarian socialism was considered an extreme left wing doctrine, just slightly to the right of anarcho-syndicalism and to the left of council communism. Sometime in the late 1960s the term was successfully expropriated by the Chicago economic school and divested of its socialist characteristics.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

Whether they admit it or not, they are corporate anarchists.

Just look at who founded the party.

[-] 1 points by hidden (430) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

The nearest those anarchists have come to resolving the problem has been to uphold syndicalism as the ideal.

How about Voluntaryism + Automation


[-] 0 points by BumpyTheBumper (-16) 13 years ago

How come 2 years ago we weren't talking about socialism or socialists in America?

Libertarians are not anarchists. Anarchists are anarchists.

[-] -1 points by ronimacarroni (1089) 13 years ago

We were.

After they made a picture of Obama looking like the joker with the words socialism below it.

[-] 0 points by Corium (246) 13 years ago

Don't forget... you can add "neo" to the beginning of any political view just to make it sound evil or cool.... neo-left-wing anarchist!

[-] -1 points by FrogWithWings (1367) 13 years ago

I can't really speak for "Libertarians". However, there are many who would like to see The Constitution for the United States of America, restored with THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA abolished.

To many, and I mean many, this is a threat to their whole way of life and existence. This does not only include elected servants, all government employees, The Fed, The IRS, BIG SECRET AMERICA, The UN, NATO, but, also includes Attorneys, CPA's and many others whose only existence and means of living is predicated on the Incorporated Document and they are most opposed to stripping the Federal Government of it's very over-stepping and oppressive strong arm.

To give power back to the states, as originally intended, frightens many who enjoy the isolation from their constituents that DC provides, as well as the constant bi-party diversion and distraction tactics.

We are not cavemen and if you live in a state full of people of which you disagree, move to another state or heck, stake your claim and secede, claiming your own sovereign state!

I have no problem if this results in Anti-Abortion states, Gun rights states, Anti-free speech states, etc as the people will have access to Federal Courts to bring their causes, according to the Constitution, and be heard.

The bottom line, it should be quite obvious to any and all, that our HUGE self-proliferating MONSTER federal government, which cannot manage without unfathomable deficit spending of imaginary money, is unsustainable.

Restore the Rule of Law and make Treason a crime as it very well should be.