Forum Post: Are democrats and republicans trying to turn us into the USSR?
Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 2, 2012, 4:35 a.m. EST by stevebol
from Milwaukee, WI
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Everything I see points that way. Divide people into two classes and give people at the top almost everything. I don't see the point of doing this. My relatives from the USSR told me it kind of sucked there so what gives? It's one thing after another; corporate welfare with future guarantees, force people to buy health care, militarize the police, keep the minimum wage low, keep a powerful military to scare everyone. If that's their plan I'll go along I suppose but man, these are some stupid people we have running this place.
They will head in that direction as long as their is little opposition. The people still have too much "stuff" to keep them occupied. Which is a bit frightening. With UE around 12-13%, Im starting to wonder what the rate will have to be to get people engaged.
40% is my guess
Only if Obama loses and handouts get cut back. 40% is generous, but so is Barry with other peoples' money. Our first rock star POTUS.
healthcare should be a free public service payed for by taxes
Your relatives in the USSR lived under COMMUNISM you asshole...exactly what liberals and Obama strive for.
Do you have a fucking clue on the concept?. "Fair share" "wealth redistribution"...."equal wages"... Destroying the incentive for hard work and wealth". All are exactly what OWS and Obama want.
Any thoughts on corporate cannibalism?
Lol. OK. I say, keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Anything else you'd like to add? Don't go away mad.
Did your Soviet relatives see Obama's hand in all this class warfare? A community "orgainizer" is nothing more than an agitator trying to whip up resentments. He has done quite well in hiis time in DC.
Huh...they must still be afraid of "the man". I say this as an Eastern European, btw. Obama...Putin. Only difference is the culture of the army. They both are narcistic wannabes.
Not scared of the man, scared of Americans. I'm American and they scare me even worse.
It's the extreme short-sightedness of the people in charge, I think. That's one of the major problems, anyway.
Probably doesn't go much beyond winning elections.
As far as politicians, yeah. It's pretty sad when you think about it. Out of four years in office, they probably spend at least the last year focusing on their re-election. Or their potential successor.
A good many are stupid. So stupid that I doubt that they are bright enough to intentionally turn it into the USSR. It's the money behind them that I would worry about.
Good point, I agree.