Forum Post: Arab Spring started by France (Nato). Watch video with F W Engdahl
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 9:07 a.m. EST by MagPie22
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Washinton DC govered by Wall Street.
Democracy is dead and has been so the past 30 years.
Riot police will destroy OWS for sure.
World owned by less than 100 people. They control food, farming, school, TV, media, wars... everything.
Freedom is a done deal... over and does no longer exist.
a) Stop paying your debt b) Stop shopping in corporate owned shops c) stop paying for TV d) sell your car and do not buy a new one e) take out your money from the bank and demand any payments be done in other values than money f) stop voting or vote for a party that has no apparent value as to shake up the power structure g) when paying products deduct the V.A.T. and then pay h) stop using smartphones (setup your own radio network globally) i) create general strikes
in essence do not use or buy any of the %1 products or services.
OWS, you do not know what you are up against. And if you do, it is probably because OWS was started and basically now controlled by %1 and the utmost top %1 specifically.
We are spectators to the biggest scam in history since the invention of The Bible which is one big hoax as well aimed at controlling people. The scam going on is designed to control humanity for the next 2000+ years even if you fight against it you will never win.