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Forum Post: Appalling Increase of Crime

Posted 11 years ago on April 13, 2013, 7:20 p.m. EST by GirlFriday (17435)
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More Stabbing, Shooting and Beating to Death.The Grand Jury on Carrying Concealed Weapons

I am shocked! What has our society become?

They choose to live in what closely resembles Hud Homes. My gosh, We have warned the public so much of the perilous material which underlies the surface of society in New-York, that the subject has become almost monotonous. I am speaking of those Dangerous Classes. The uneducated, unwashed masses

Why, our generation had none of these issues. Those young women should learn how to keep their legs closed. The poor always trying to take advantage of the situation. We must return to our values!

Divorces are increasing and it must be from those damn floozies!

My gosh, have you seen the drug addicts? They just trade one addiction for another and become crazed!

We must return to our values!

These younger generations have run amuck!



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[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

The ones that seem to push the responsibility meme are usually the last ones to accept it.

Thanks. :D


[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

Ya. It has an almost surreal feel to it. Like something out of a B horror flc.


[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

Ya. It seems the only plausible reason for collective amnesia.


[-] 3 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

Ok, how is that not like the mirror distortion at traveling circus horror flic?


[-] 3 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

Note to self:

Dear Self,

Stop watching 1960s B movies.


[-] 0 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

Day of the Triffids rocked.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

I have never heard of it. I can't believe that I've never heard this.

Ha! Smoking in a hospital. Thanks, Builder.

[-] 0 points by freakzilla3 (-75) 11 years ago

Both the book and the movie.

[-] -1 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

One of the classics, no doubt.


[-] -1 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

Increase? Or increased reporting?

The rise in white-collar crime seems to get a big miss in the MSM.

I don't wonder why.

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

I don't either. And if I had any doubts before, I don't anymore.

[-] -1 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

I wonder what it costs to get some airtime these days.

The cable scenes in Wayne's World were for real?

Anyone can, like, get on the tube?

Or was that just a pipe dream?

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

Like this?

[-] -2 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

Wow. That wallpaper hurt my eyes.