Forum Post: Anyone foe an Amendment that excludes corporations and
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:54 p.m. EST by 123pai6ge
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Businesses from being considered people?????
Don't know that would interfere with commerce cause of the constitution. Corporation have like people, Yes. Next subject please
Hopefully you are more than the sum total of your dick, dog andorganization.
It also doesn't say my dog can't be considered a person.
or my dick..
Or an organization that I started that only has 1 member, me. Or no members. Does that mean I am not responsible for what my dog does?? Or my dick?? Or an organization that I control??
No! If corporations want rights(even though they can't "want") they need to accept responsibilities.
Yes. Workers are people. Business owners are people. The business is not a person.
workers should be able to openly and publicly discuss their wages
and the profits and losses of the business they participate in
Partnerships are not people. The partners are people. The people should have rights as people. Not the business status of "partnership".
Count me in - this is at the heart of the problem! End corporate person hood!
What is your intention behind this? And only corporations are viewed in this way - partnerships are not considered "people".