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Forum Post: Anybody who says that they don't understand what people are protesting about are either lying or willfully ignorant

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 9:30 a.m. EST by AmericanMade (7)
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and it could be summed up pretty easily. People are tired of big money interests subverting what's in the public interest by manipulating markets and our political system.



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[-] 1 points by johnlocke76 (9) 13 years ago

its about the republican party trending fascist

[-] 0 points by lessthanfortythousand (8) 13 years ago

you're just jealous you don't have the brains to manipulate the markets or political system.

I barely make ends meet but I continue to work hard and enjoy the prospect of spending what I have on myself instead of the possibility of spending what I earn to bail out people who buy houses they can't afford. I can't afford to buy a house, so I don't buy one.

I don't expect handouts from the wealthy class, because I've got pride. I don't complain about other people making more money, because I take responsibility for my action and know that if I work harder, I can earn more. I don't make more than you do, so don't you dare tell me I'm willfully ignorant.

I'M NOT IN THE WEALTHY CLASS, AND YOU DON'T SPEAK FOR ME. Please don't make the assumption that every "poor" person feels the same way as you.

[-] 1 points by AmericanMade (7) 13 years ago

if you're happy with inequality, rigged capitalism and being a defender of the status quo then I'm happy for you.

[-] 1 points by lessthanfortythousand (8) 13 years ago

What you're suggesting is essentially communism, so yes, I'm happy to have inequality and capitalism. That's what makes this country so great, that I have the freedom to choose, and that I don't have to be forced to be like everyone else, make the same salary as everyone else, and live in the same state funded concrete block like everyone else. Thanks for being happy for me. I only wish you could be happy with and appreciate what you have.

[-] 0 points by larry (2) 13 years ago

So, I guess Obama killing US citizens overseas without due process, subverting the Constitution by suppressing civil liberties, and getting his pockets stuffed by Wall Street money is ok with you, john?

[-] 1 points by DirtyHippie (200) 13 years ago

another lame attempt to pit people against Obama. Why don't you show that your fair and mention all of the politicians who were funded by Wall St.