Forum Post: Anybody Ever Heard the Term "World Fedralism?"
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 2:56 a.m. EST by GypsyKing
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Whether we like it or not, we are now one world, one people. We will either be governed by vested internation interest, or will have a global assembly, there's really little alternative in the long run if we are to survive as a species.
Let it happen naturally, don't force people into it. The world's not ready for it. Not unless you want to see some serious bloodshed and loss of liberties. If you actually believe in overpopulation, that might not be much of a concern to you.
I'm not forcing anybody to do anything. Maybe you're right. Maybe people aren't ready for that. Maybe it would be a mistake to put such power in the hands of any political body. I'm just groping here. The fact is that we are dealing with threats to the survival of humanity on a global scale, and the current political/economic order is failing us. Obama is talking about mining oil shale residue in Alberta and piping it to The Gulf of Mexico to keep the refineries there going, while scientists are telling us that global warming is worse then their own most dire models predicted. Where is the alternative energy that would bring jobs; that Obama ran on as an issue? The Democrats have lost all credibility - where do we turn now? I don't pretend to have all the answers. This is a dialogue, we have to find answers together. If we can't then it won't matter a whole lot longer anyway.
PS You mean you don't "believe in" overpopulation?
Here are three issues right off the cuff that can't be effectively dealt with by a nation state:
Global climate change.
Global deforestation.
We have the science to solve these problems, but not the political structure to implement the solutions. It's still the Wild West folks.