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Forum Post: ANY Political or Economic system that DEPENDS on Violence to exist is bye bye

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 11:41 p.m. EST by LOVEPEACE (199)
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Simply demand 1 thing. PEACE.

All you economics wizards out there should spend less time asking people to read and more time reading yourselves.

100% of economic nobel laureates agree. PEACE is PROSPERITY.

Our current system is not capitalism nor is it Free.

  1. Print Money
  2. Enforce VALUE of money with violent domination

That is our current economic model. Would anyone care to debate?

DEMAND PEACE. From that PEACE, prosperity, freedom and liberty will follow. The likes of which has YET to be experienced in this world.

The system is rigged. The coming collapse has been engineered as a pretext to WWIII. Let them know WE KNOW what they are up to. REFUSE WAR and demand PEACE.

We stand in solidarity with the GOOD PEOPLE of ALL NATIONS. We must LEAD in PEACE.



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