Forum Post: Antiwar & Social Justice Art Exhibit Call for Entries
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 5, 2012, 6:59 a.m. EST by ShellyLeit
from Little Falls, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Exhibition theme: Antiwar, peace, social and economic justice artwork Environmental art is also welcome
Deadline for submissions: Sept 19th 2012
This online exhibition goes up September 21st with prizes announced at that time.
The 2012 Art for Peace and Justice online art show begins on September 21st, 2012, the International Day of Peace. It will be exhibited online until January 2013, so it will be great exposure for your visual art work. This show is free to enter.
Occupy and other similar movement artists are welcome and invited to participate.
You may submit digital files (up to 6). The individual files should not exceed 1 MB in size. The work must be new to this AWA, not something already on the site, in the galleries. The images you submit should be the size and resolution you wish to be displayed in the art show. You must do your own cropping, etc., for presentation.
One best of show award will be given out. Two runners up will also be awarded. More may be added. Live artists only are eligible for prizes and best of show.
This is a not-highly competitive contest with 3 top prizes not of money but of 3 outstanding anti-war books. (so far -- more prizes may be added) The main point of the online exhibit is to RAISE AWARENESS among the public that artists can be and are anti-war activists through their art, that America is still at war, and that many people continue to suffer as a result. We also want to see social and environmental justice artwork sending similar messages.
The main goal of this exhibit is to showcase these ideas through artwork and get publicity for the artists involved.
Only living artists may win awards.
How to Submit: All artwork should be sent to this email address: You may enter 6 images of 2D or 3D work, free of charge.
Images exhibited will be at the discretion and judgement of the AWA jury.
File size limit: 1 MB. Please keep it under 1 MB per image.
Also important to send: statement about the work, and a short bio, name, website and email or other contact information. This will appear on the show site.
Send your submissions with the email subject line: Artist Submissions for Antiwar Art Show, include the titles of available artworks you would like reviewed for this show, and you can send links to your website or online portfolio
This exhibition will be promoted online via posting works on Pinterest linking back to the virtual gallery website (which will not be live until September 21st); on the Artist Marketing Resources blog, on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, various gallery sites, at, and other places. Press releases will be sent out two weeks prior to the online exhibit. Your help in advertising our exhibit is welcome!
Sales in the exhibit: It is up to the artist whether the art is for sale. Please indicate that (and price) when you submit your entries. All/any sales are handled by the artists. makes no profits from this online gallery or exhibit or from the regular galleries at We are a non-official non-profit.
Please spread the word!
Shelly, curator,