Forum Post: ANTI- OCCUPY naysayers ???? To all of you against this movement - Jump off the boat - sink your brains into the truth of it all!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 12:57 p.m. EST by changeinmotion2
from Portland, ME
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
For all of these people who come in here and say we are all bums, weed smokin tree huggin hippy wannabees - get off your asses and get a real job - get on with your life and do something for a change.... OK first of all to all of you people in DENIAL and BLINDED by your own unrealistic world you have created: The good ol US OF A is in a FINANCIAL CRISIS - hard working individuals have lost their jobs, homes and are living in shelters or with loving caring family who are trying to help provide a sense of unity back into this home that ran into a HUGE brick wall - THIS IS treating others like you would want to be treated... Corporate america - these companies are US BORN companies who started in this country and grew into HUGE CONGLOMERATES - merged, got eaten up by larger corps (heres an example - Toms of Maine - bought by Colgate) Sure at the beginning there was humility and prob a sense of community because they needed NEEDED their communities to embrace them so their businesses would flourish.. they hired local people, they created a company slogan or company by-line that made them APPEAR they were all good intentioned! HA HA HA - the joke's on us ... They merged, they wanted more, they went public, they wanted more more more - just the top guys mind you... so here comes the GROWTH IN GREED - companies with this kind of behavior sent our jobs overseas - they LAID 100's and 1000's of people off ... they paid politicians to lobby on their behalf... they moved to third world countries where TAX evasion was easy and "legal"... they moved to third world countries to USE and continue to ABUSE the resources. These companies went overseas because they would be paying same CHEAP / ABUSIVE hourly wages that these people worked for already. Did we move over to help these starving poor countries develop and EVOLVE ... HELL NO... and along with labor resource abuse... We have plenty of companies who are abusing our environments - The world is OURS - we are ONE WORLD... ONE FREAKIN WORLD where yes indeed, corporations moved and raped foreign lands of their natural resources, send pollutants - KILLER pollutants into the surround air becasue THOSE COUNTRIES HAVE NOTHING LIKE AN EPA... So Africa my friends... some of our DIRTIEST chemicals being made ALL FOR WHY _ because it puts MORE MONEY into the BIG WIGS pockets - more money to allow for the excess spending on the 3rd and 4th homes ... more money to pay off lobbyists to KEEP these countries from developing any time soon We are acting now - this movement is real and WILL lead to solid changes... BIG BUSINESS you will be made to change and DO NOT ALLOW GRANDFATHERING, DO NOT ALLOW ANY EXTRA time to enact or start any new law... There won't be any "This will go into effect in 2020" - Its BULL that the latest wave in making car manufacturers chagne up their production lines to making ONLY HYBRIDS and GETTING RID OF the 30 MPG's and MOVING COMPLETELY to making AUTOS that get AT LEAST 50 MPG - is now way out there - YEARS AWAY - WHY? WHY? WHY? - MONEY... the car manufacturers like their profits - it buys them real furs and multiple autos and multiple homes. - GET REAL to all you trolls and the real lazy people are all of you happy with the WAY THINGS ARE... CHANGE IS COMING so you will have to get out of YOUR chairs! Turn the channel...