Forum Post: Another Republican terrorist attack stopped, will the Republicans in Washington condemn this Republican attack?
Posted 6 years ago on Feb. 21, 2019, 8:41 a.m. EST by factsrfun
from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Updated at 6:30 a.m. ET
A 49-year-old Coast Guard lieutenant charged with stockpiling weapons and drugs is being described as a "domestic terrorist" who was planning "to murder innocent civilians on a scale rarely seen in this country," according to court documents filed in U.S. District Court in Maryland on Tuesday.
Federal prosecutors say Christopher Paul Hasson, a self-described white nationalist living in Silver Spring, Md., was amassing firearms since at least 2017, while cultivating plans to launch a widespread attack on prominent Democratic lawmakers, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and several high-profile television anchors from MSNBC and CNN.
It is true = Republican Party "Home of Domestic Terrorism" in office and out on the streets!
The Odessa shooter could have been stopped with universal background checks, but #MoscowMitch is blocking the bill.
(edit) The Odessa shooter "was" stopped from buying a gun from gun dealers by a background check, he finally got a gun through a private purchase. At least that is what is being reported.
So I guess the thing about background checks "is" they will work "if" there is something that shows up in a background check that would say to deny a sale to that individual.
Now. . . . what to do about private sales........... I suppose it couldn't hurt if no one owned assault weapons to sell privately.......
This is an oldie, but why write new? It never changes....
Just like your ongoing fellatio of the RW Corp. captured Dem Party Establishment/DNC?! Sad tbh. Also
The U$A needs a Liberation Struggle to free itself from The Corp. Duopoly Democrazy Delusion ... BUT
in your continued & TOTAL inability to offer any word of criticism to The RW Dem Party Establishment &
to the thoroughly crooked DNC, U are utterly revealed to be just another partisan Dem hack!!! Shameful.
et nosce te ipsum ...
PS: Then there's this:
and then also this ... & while that's ^ going on, this is happening in U$A now
"The author of a paper which argues that democracy requires ethnic homogeneity to thrive, and that ethnic diversity weakens a nation state, is Trump's nominee for a federal judgeship." - here:
fiat lux ...