Forum Post: Another reason to move money out of banks - protection of your deposit from theft
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 12:45 p.m. EST by jk1234
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Besides a protest against TBTF banks, there is another reason to get money out of banks - your own protection from theft.
Please see
With this additional reason to move money from banks, it might be beneficial to the 99% worldwide to do this as part of Global Day of Action.
Could some sort of Bank Transfer, at least symbolically at first (with messages of why to do it, as well as tallies by protesters who have already moved their money) be incorporated worldwide into one of the major themes of one of the Global Day of Actions?
And if there is a bank run, that money can still be collected by the bank if they declare bankruptcy within 3 months of your withdrawal of your money
Well they're going to have to physically come in try to take it from us...cuz they wont be seeing a penny of my hard earned money.