Forum Post: Another Punch In the Face by the Govt its called The NDAA
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 19, 2011, 3:49 a.m. EST by American4ThePeople
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Thats right the National Defense Authorization Act and protests such as these the military can round you up like cattle and take you a "Resettlement Camp" politcally corect word for Concentration Camp and detain you for the rest of your natural born life. Congratulations everyone they finally killed the Constitution and theIllusion of Freedom we once had is now gone no more smoke and mirrors everything is now being done in plain sight. What are We going to do about it! We need to act or it is all over for us as American Citizens I am willing to March on Washington right up to the WhiteHouse Gates and Scream to the high heavens that I will not be denied my god given human rights to be free. They will have to tear my bloddy fingers away from those gates becuase im going to hold on for dear life because if I dont life as we know it will be over. But I wonder how many will hear my call and answer by standing up to the system. There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious—makes you so sick at heart—that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part. And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all! Hear my call or we all will fall!
Of course Obama signed this evil into law. I'm not surprised. It's time to wake up and realize he is NOT on our side.
Duh. He had full control for 2 years - full congress, no vetos, no filibusters. What did he accomplish? ZERO. Obama's an adult child with no skills, little intelligence - and he's in the WH so he and his family can go on vacation after vacation on their own 747. Now, after he blew 50% of his presidency doing absolutely nothing - he's whining about "the republicans" standing in his way. Who stood in his way from 2008-2010? Anyone, can he explain it? The only person who stood in Obama & The Democrats way for these full two years, where they could have done true "good" - was themselves & their own incompetence.
The democrats are no-one's friends. The only people they care about are themselves. Pelosi spent over $100k on booze - that's a couple times what I make a year. Is that right? Can that be justified with any argument? Stop defending them. You know they're wrong, you know they're ALL criminal - dem & repub alike. Stop settling for the ~lesser~ of two evils.
Agreed. Obama and most everyone on the ballot is a puppet.
Obama is only an employee. He has no power. His job is to play the president as part of the presidency deception.
Looks like a military coup to me. America = democracy deception.
I share your disgust.
ts all about Democracy! When Democracy Dies Prevent draconian legislation. Pass this on! Thanks a Million.