Forum Post: Another Possible Focusing of OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 11:03 p.m. EST by ChuckAntin
from Homestead, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"Toxic assets" were no 'assets' at all, but were sold as if they were, the toxicity hidden within the complexity (like poison in food, if there was no FDA). The Wall St. masters of complexity knew that we are in a time when average people feel it is cool to play the market, and knew that these average people wanted to be cool. It was not a Ponzi scheme, it was a Fonzie scheme. And we all know the effects of what was done, in diminished or ruined or ended lives. The ones who did it should go to jail? No. There was no properly drawn-up law against it. The shame of it is that, even after it happened, Congress still did not pass a law, to prevent it from happening again. They, the congressmen, should go to jail? No. There was no law against not passing a law. But how are laws passed? They are very often drawn up by the lawyers for the interested corporations, and given to their congressmen to further along to passage. Why don't the legally trained people of OWS draw up a law, and give it to their congressmen, and then further it along not necessarily with money but with the energy and power of the OWS movement - which energy and power is now perhaps not as specifically and effectively focused. Sometimes by narrowing the scope of a thing it can be immeasurably enlarged.