Forum Post: another french revolution?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 10, 2011, 10:50 p.m. EST by dan1984
from Cumberland, MD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Obviously I know that conditions are not the same today as they were then, but there are a lot of similarities between what is going on now and what was happening then. I'm not going to elaborate. If all the stuff about FEMA camps and the NDAA are true I hope things can stay nonviolent.
Violence erupting is my number one fear. Any kind of violence will bring the police state on, and the Constitution goes right out the window at that point. And? The common citizen deciding that republicans / democrats are the enemy... No. No. Neither are the police, or soldiers, or the CIA.
The people who are the enemy aren't living on your block, or mine. Political partisanship is no reason to hurt someone else. It's like fighting between religions... At a certain point you have to stop and ask yourself what side the higher power is on... In this case, the higher power is on the money side, and they're already playing us against each other. We ARE the 99%. That's not just a rallying call, it's a call to abandon partisanship and that, my friend, is a revolutionary thought in itself.
No violence, no matter what. This MUST be a war of words. Anyone who is considering violence? Stop it. It's a childish waste of mental energy. The enemy is not your local political party. There won't be any positive result from violence, except to watch everything get turned over to the fascists, and to see our rights get pitched right out the window, permanently. That's probably what some of the hydra's heads are waiting for, with glee. No violence, that'll kill the movement, and our Bill of Rights at the snap of a finger. Seriously, fear-based thinkers will stop at nothing to keep the money flowing into their hands, and our political system, even as corrupt as it is, is already their number one enemy. Don't be dumb. Don't be crazy. Be... Revolutionary thinkers.
I second the motion - Well put NLake 72!
Well said.