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Forum Post: Another Example of Corporate Greed - Mexican Truckers Allowed in US

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 9:01 p.m. EST by Frustrated (0)
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I was dumfounded when I recently heard that Mexican truckers are now allowed on US roads. I understand Mexicans need jobs as well, but this is just another example of our government selling out the US middleclass for corporate greed.

I wrote my Pennsylvania congressman, Bob Casey, and received a response totally skirting the issue. His letter only really talked about road safety. It did not address my biggest concern that it is just another way to bleed middleclass American jobs for the benefit of corporations.

His letter even highlighted one of the beneficiaries of corporate greed, the insurance companies. The mention that Mexican truckers need to buy US insurance was meant to reduce concern of safety. Yes, it does help safety, but it is just another way for insurance companies to increase their bottom line at the expense of middleclass American jobs.

His letter even seemed to indicate the government has some power to delay the start of Mexican trucking when talking about safety. This could have easily been put on hold until the employment in the US stabilizes.

Corporations just want cheap ways to move goods and insurance companies want to increase their client pool. It definitely helps corporations at the expense of the middleclass.

This systematic destruction of the US middleclass has been going on for a long time. I am glad the "Occupy Wall Street" movement has started. The people at the top really need to start to pay attention to what they are doing to the rest of us.

It really started big time when Reagan took office. "Trickle-Down" economics did not help the middleclass at all. On its surface, it was giving the wealthy tax breaks and other benefits in the theory the money would "trickle-down" to everyone else. The wealthy did not play their part. In 1980, the top 1% if tax filers received 8.45% if American AGI (Adjusted Gross Income). In 2000 that figure had risen to 20.81%, and it has only become worse since 2000. The middleclass wages have stagnated since Regan was in office. Here is a link to more information on what has happened in our country.




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[-] 1 points by RantCasey (782) from Saginaw, MI 13 years ago

American trucks don't go to Mexico either

[-] 1 points by NielsH (212) 13 years ago

Don't worry, twenty years from now most trucks will be driven by computers.

[-] 0 points by justaguy (91) 13 years ago

Sadly, that was all part of that thing called NAFTA. It was resisted from Clinton, through Bush, but Obama let em roll.

I recall then candidate Obama said he was going to re-open the NAFTA treaty because it was sucking the life out of American jobs - and he was right.

His economic adviser also said at the time, that he only said that because people wanted to hear it, and he had no intention of doing that.

Well, he was right that NAFTA was that start of the US downfall, but he not only did nothing about it, he pushed to get the Mexican trucks rolling - NOT CORPORATE greed.

Political GREED in this case (wanting the Latino Vote). But the corporate importers are real happy too.

I sure as hell feel for the independent trucker trying to make a living.

And to top it all off, the three "Free Trade" agreements he signed last week are the biggest of any at all since NAFTA was done.

Look for yet more - well the few that are left - manufacturing jobs waving bye bye.