Forum Post: ANOTHER 10000 jobs LOST - post your lost job here.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 9:40 p.m. EST by bill1102inf2
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Electric Company
There used to be meter readers that walked to the meter. - Lots of jobs
Then they made them readable by car. - Less jobs
Now, readable by satellite. - NO jobs.
POST your job lost to technology, government, exportation, etc.
**Due to inflation we are approaching an era in America where a Masters Degree will allow you to work as a waitress but you will still need HUD Section 8 in order to afford an apartment.
I'm a programmer and I programmed myself into obselescence :(
that blows
A lot of the railroads lost brakemen, switchmen, firemen, and flagmen to devices called EOT's. Most of the yard switching conductor/engineer jobs were lost to remote controls. Oh yes, trains can be operated by remote control. Kind of scary. The worst part is that the railroads are all supposedly protected by unions.
But not made easily readable by your own PC
Lost my job in 1990. Started my own business and made jobs for myself and eventually 7 other people. Still in business and still have employees. Sorry, I have nothing to bitch about.
What kind of job did you lose?? What does your business do??
Custom woodworking. Great job until the boss discovered coke. Now I (we) design and make scientific equipment. Started in my garage with $800.00. Self taught, high school grad.
Lost my job in 1987. Got another job.
Hubs lost his job in 1992. Got another job.
Lost my job in 1995. Got another job.
Lost my job in 2002. Got another job. Still have job.
Hubs lost his job in 2002. Got another job.
Hubs lost his job in 2003. Got another job.
Hubs lost his job in 2004. Got another job. Still has job.
Oh, but you probably don't want success stories, do you? That wouldn't fit in with the whining.
How much does trolling pay?? Do you get benefits??
Man, I keep reading that people get paid to exercise their opinions and beliefs on this website, just like OWS says they are are allowed to exercise. I wish I could find out how to get paid, that would make Protesting the Protesters, Occupying the Occupiers that much more fun and profitable. If anyone knows where to apply, please post.
I'm sure some people get paid. Probably the same people that tell you what to think about OWS. Fox News, New York Post, Aryan Nation Newsletter. You know, you can't spend your whole life at the bottom of the corporate crony food-chain. You eventually need to elevate yourself.
I know about OWS because I come to this site and read the crap on here. I watch very little TV, listen to Pandora radio during the day at work, and when I have time to read, it's usually a book. So what I know about OWS is from here. And I ain't impressed.
"I know about OWS because I come to this site and read the crap on here."
So what is it that you know and how did you find out about OWS and what about it made you search for this forum??
Are you unimpressed because you feel it doesn't represent anything or do you oppose what you feel it represents??
Not whining, making a point. What do you do NOW that 50% of the country is not employed if you lose your job? Oh, I know, get a job trolling the OWS bb like you have now.