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Forum Post: Anonymous Reveals White Supremacist "Bridge" Strategy to Inflate Ranks from Ron Paul Supporters

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 4, 2012, 10:40 a.m. EST by groobiecat2 (746) from Brattleboro, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Regardless of how you view Ron Paul, pro, con, indifferent, this is scary/fascinating stuff that people who are wary of white supremacists should be aware of. It's not an indictment of RP so much as insight into how crazy people who support him are trying to use his base to increase their ranks. Pretty amazing.

Over at "Paste" (http://pastebin.com/t8mbyQUS) apparently Anonymous is revealing a major hack of a white supremacist group's web site. Here's the intro:

"Jamie Kelso and American Third Position Hacked and Destroyed; Private Emails Expose Blatant Racism and Ties to Ron Paul



Fellow anons: we are pleased to bring you the dismantling of a major US-based white supremacist network known as the "American Third Position"(A3P). These racist losers have chapters across the US, operate several white power websites, forums and online stores, and are even running a candidate in the 2012 elections. Although they try hard to maintain a professional public image to camouflage their vile racism, we're now airing all their dirty laundry all over the internet. Contained in this major dump are several thousand private forum messages, personal emails, internal organization notes, names, phone numbers, home addresses and other information on all of their members and supporters. It’s time for these cowardly suit and tie white supremacists to sleep with one eye open. Scared much?

In addition to finding the usual racist rants and interactions with other white power groups, we also found a disturbingly high amount of members who are also involved in campaigning for Ron Paul. According to these messages, Ron Paul has regularly met with many A3P members, even engaging in conference calls with their board of directors as recent as XXXXXX. Ron Paul's racist politics and affiliations are already well known, being viciously anti-immigrant, anti-abortion and against gay marriage -- not to mention having authored the racist "Ron Paul Papers" and receiving financial support from other white power groups (pictured with Don Black from stormfront.org). Hard to believe Ron Paul draws some support from the left and the occupation movements, especially now that it is confirmed Ron Paul hangs out with straight up racist hate groups.

We put extra effort in ruining the life of A3P webmaster Jamie Kelso. On top of being on the board of directors of A3P, former $cientologist, and high ranking Ron Paul organizer, he also is the account owner of german nazi forums and store nsl-forum.org, rhs-versand.com. We went ahead and wiped those websites off the internet as well, dumping private messages and order information. Aside from us releasing his information such as his social security number, address, resume and private discussions, we also heard some folks went on a joyride with Kelso's credit card and made some lulzy purchases, including sex toy purchases and making donations to the Anti Defamation League and many others. Oops.

We call upon not only other antifascists but all those opposed to white supremacy to utilize this information and make hell for these white nationalist scumbags. It is essential if we wish to live in a world free from oppression to expose and confront racists at their jobs, their schools, at their homes and in the streets.

No Dialogue! No sympathy! Destroy White Supremacy!"

Here's a sample email from their leader, Jamie Kelso:

Subject: Welcome to WNN Mr Frosty Date: Dec Sun 2010 To: Mr Frosty (accrow01@yahoo.com) From: Jamie Kelso (24.7keyboard@gmail.com) Text: Hello Mr Frosty, I'd like to send another welcome to you for having brought your energy to our work here on WNN. Your arrival comes at one of those pioneering points in the creation of an institution which are exciting times indeed. We've gone from being a little dinky forum only a year ago to being the second-highest-traffic WN forum today. But perhaps more important than the success of our growth in numbers has been the success of our having "grown" a new tactic among WNs. This is not a tactic designed to replace other tactics, it's a tactic designed to ADD to other tactics, and to fill a gaping hole in the tactics that we have been using up to now. The tactic is one of aggressively "bridging" between our very explicit WN members (with our very small numbers) and our very IMPLICITLY pro-White kinsmen in movements like the Ron Paul Revolution (with their HUGE numbers). That brings up the question: how can this bridging be done? There are several steps involved in the answer, but one of them is: don't scare them off. We all know lots of White friends who are just about as WN as we are...but not quite as willing to be explicit about it. They aren't being chicken really. In many cases they just may have greater job-risk fears than some of the rest of us, etc. Or, even if they are being a little more chicken..that's still ok. We need all of 'em. So, that brings us to one of the REAL INNOVATIONS of WNN. We're the first WN site to try to be fully TACTICAL.

That means, in practice, that we are always looking for ways to make our images, our language, our presentation more attractive to our less explicit kinsmen that we're "bridging" to. I'm not trying to make a mountain out of a molehill (or a snowman :) ) here for you. So please don't think that anybody is trying to nitpick you on the avatar question. Your hooded snowman avatar is actually pretty darn funny, and I enjoyed it when you came on board. But, that being said, our brother Henry Ford (and my good friend, who it would be hard for any of us to exceed in his "radicalness"....actually I'd get a little worried about myself if somebody were to think that I was more radical than Henry) is making a valid point that's worth your consideration, which is that some of our symbols of the past, however effective they may have been in the past, do tend to scare off some of our best recruits in our work of building a bridge. Boy, nobody can ever accuse me of being succinct. I better shut up, and just end off by saying welcome again, brother. Best to you, Jamie Kelso



Read the Rules
[-] 4 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

The bigoted bozos must not have liked being exposed, they're here in force today.

It's the troll flavor of the day..

[-] 0 points by nweiner (-9) 12 years ago

Looks like evidence to me.

So now what?

Do we vote Obama or Paul?

Please help me,.... do we have consensus yet?

Kalle Lasn ( der OWS leader ) where are you during crucial times such as these??

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Vote for anyone you like, as long as there is not an (R) after his name on the ballot.

That would just be bad form.

Hope that narrows it down for you.

[-] 3 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

We went ahead and wiped those websites off the internet as well, dumping private messages and order information. Aside from us releasing his information such as his social security number, address, resume and private discussions, we also heard some folks went on a joyride with Kelso's credit card and made some lulzy purchases, including sex toy purchases and making donations to the Anti Defamation League and many others. Oops.


While one is most certainly tempted to applaud such activities, one must remind everyone involved that this is, indeed, illegal activity . . .

tsk tsk



bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

Complete and total exposure.

I thought very long and hard about responding to this post. This last couple of weeks we have watched the Tucson Unified School district suspend the ethnic studies program and ban books by some of the best authors. HB 2281 has kicked in. I have heard two separate interviews with Huppenthal and he clearly has nothing to stand on. We take three steps forward and four steps back.

"tsk tsk", indeed.

[-] 1 points by freewriterguy (882) 13 years ago

u know if tweeter wants to be competitive with facebook, they should make a website that works, ive been on there several times and cant even figure out how to twit or if any one is even seeing it.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by asauti (-113) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

Just stop it with the negative and false propaganda.

Vote for the best person you believe will uphold the Constitution.

Read this: http://occupywallst.org/forum/printing-presses/

[-] 1 points by groobiecat2 (746) from Brattleboro, VT 13 years ago

yeah, again, not the point. this is about how white supremacists want to tap into RP support to swell their ranks.

read, then comment, not the other way around..

[-] 0 points by asauti (-113) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

Try again.

I have your own words, to present back to you, to prove your slanted attacks against a "A True Defender of Liberty":

You said: "Ron Paul's racist politics and affiliations are already well known".

They are not "well known" to me. They are only "known" by those who manufacture them.

[-] 1 points by groobiecat2 (746) from Brattleboro, VT 12 years ago

Well, dude, then I suggest you read up. He has stated publicly that he's agains the civil rights act. That's not manufactured--that's a simple statement of fact. He accepted $500 from the head of Stormfront--and quite publicly refused to reject it. That's also a fact. He has stated, repeatedly, that "we can't know when someone's being racist" because they turn down service to someone who has a different skin color. Um, right. His newsletters had racists themes and he insists he didn't read them. Riiiiiight. Ron Paul, who reads economic texts for relaxation didn't read his own newsletters. Um, sure.

Why do you think all the survivalists and neo-skinheads want him elected? It's a return to the '40s and '50s, when segregation was the order of the day. Racist much? Much.


[-] 1 points by GreedKills (1119) 13 years ago

Read this....


And this...


Michigan Klan Member to Speak at Kalamazoo White Supremacist Event

Posted on July 20, 2007 by edcutlip | Author: edcutlip | 1 Comment

When racist radio show host Hal Turner hosts his so-called “rally” in Kalamazoo on August 4, joining him on the list of speakers will be Midland County resident Randy Gray. Gray, on whom the Southern Poverty Law Center said it had no information in a recent article in Between the Lines, is a Ku Klux Klan organizer with the Knight’s Party. As Media Mouse has with Hal Turner and the Michigan-based Christian Identity pastor James Wickstrom, Media Mouse did some research into Randy Gray’s background and his involvement with the organized white supremacist movement.

[-] -2 points by Renaye (522) 13 years ago

MAJOR Propaganda psy-op !! Are there really people stupid enough that they believe this shit? Ron Paul is the most unbiased, unracist person on the planet. Get your heads out of your asses Anonymous!!!! Geesh.

[-] 1 points by groobiecat2 (746) from Brattleboro, VT 13 years ago

Not getting the point (and perhaps consider decaf?). Although I do believe that--wittingly or otherwise--Ron Paul is a racist (he's against the civil rights act and has said that the rights of property owners should outweigh civil rights--look it up), this is about how white supremacists want to use Ron Paul to swell their ranks.

Read, then comment--not the other way around...
