Forum Post: Anonymous message
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 4:19 a.m. EST by freedomfighter777
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 4:19 a.m. EST by freedomfighter777
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
HOPE Humans On Planet Earth...........
I registered on this site to spread the word that the OWS protesters are fools. They are being used by the very greedy, rich, power-mongers that they supposedly are protesyting against. The very name Occupy Wall Street was coined by Adbuster corp. It is a CANADIAN anti-capitalist, anti-semitic magazine owned by GEORGE SOROS! Does that name mean anything to you people? He's one of the world's super-rich who is working to collapse the world economy so he can institute a global government fashioned around the United Nations with him and all of his financial giant friends pulling the strings. You are being USED!!!!!!
I registered on this site to spread the word that the OWS protesters are fools. They are being used by the very greedy, rich, power-mongers that they supposedly are protesyting against. The very name Occupy Wall Street was coined by Adbuster corp. It is a CANADIAN anti-capitalist, anti-semitic magazine owned by GEORGE SOROS! Does that name mean anything to you people? He's one of the world's super-rich who is working to collapse the world economy so he can institute a global government fashioned around the United Nations with him and all of his financial giant friends pulling the strings. You are being USED!!!!!!
I registered on this site to spread the word that the OWS protesters are fools. They are being used by the very greedy, rich, power-mongers that they supposedly are protesyting against. The very name Occupy Wall Street was coined by Adbuster corp. It is a CANADIAN anti-capitalist, anti-semitic magazine owned by GEORGE SOROS! Does that name mean anything to you people? He's one of the world's super-rich who is working to collapse the world economy so he can institute a global government fashioned around the United Nations with him and all of his financial giant friends pulling the strings. You are being USED!!!!!!
I registered on this site to spread the word that the OWS protesters are fools. They are being used by the very greedy, rich, power-mongers that they supposedly are protesyting against. The very name Occupy Wall Street was coined by Adbuster corp. It is a CANADIAN anti-capitalist, anti-semitic magazine owned by GEORGE SOROS! Does that name mean anything to you people? He's one of the world's super-rich who is working to collapse the world economy so he can institute a global government fashioned around the United Nations with him and his bunch of financial giants pulling the strings. You are being USED!!!!!!
I personally believe the whole system needs to go. I believe that we cannot sustain ourselves as a planet within the current monetary system which in itself is perpetuating corruption. However, while we are within the constraints of it I would rather have someone like Ron Paul who is all about diminishing government rather then empowering it. Someone who is not in bed with the elites that we protest about. If we do nothing and vote for no one, someone will get into office and most likely it will be the one that will make it all the more difficult for us to have the freedom to change it or remove it. Common sense. Step by step plan.
Agreed people are waking up all across America and realizing that the only way to stop the madness is to elect Dr.Paul
End the wars.
Bring our troops HOME.
Close all US bases overseas.
End the war on drugs.
Nationalize the US money supply.
Repeal the PATRIOT Act and other Nazi police state laws.
That's Ron Paul.
Excellent! You know why Anonymous supports Ron Paul? Because Ron Paul is committed to freedom and has never compromised (which is, of course, why the establishment hates him).
Good point. We need to help open the eyes of these people out there supporting OWS regardless of our gains there will be a president elected. So we must educate ourselves and choose the best candidate for the job the one who has integrity and has been talking about fighting corruption before most of these people were even born, in fact he could have possibly delivered then. Ron Paul 2012
Ron Paul seems awesome but the thing that scares me is that He belongs to the Grand lodge of Texas, and he is a 33rd degree freemason. Can anyone confirm?? found this but could just be crap
He is not a Mason. That's disinfo that's been spread by those who don't like him. Dr Paul has refuted this directly.
Anonymous is a NEW WORLD ORDER mind control program to herd the disaffected and disenchanted youth into a VIOLENT, DESTRUCTIVE, REACTIONARY revolution. And those who study history know that all violent, destructive, reactionary revolutions ultimately feed the goals of the New World Order agenda.
Anonymous claims "We do not forgive." Forgiveness, my friends, along with a deeply complex spiritual understanding of duality, is the path to the future. (See: Truth & Reconciliation Commission following the fall of Apartheid in South Africa) We ALL move forward to the future.
Anonymous Hackers' actions have been 100% destructive. Their message is to blame, tear down and destroy. Anonymous is the tool of the NEW WORLD ORDER infiltrators.
Reactionary revolution? Hmm.
Nonsense. Anonymous helped get this movement off the ground by assisting a site, that had been attacked and their ISP taken down, that was integral to getting this movement going.
*As AmpedStatus was pushing for a decentralized global rebellion against Wall Street and actively supporting the Egyptian uprising against the IMF and Federal Reserve, the attacks on the site escalated. In what appeared to be a fatal blow, the entire ISP network that the site was hosted on was knocked offline, hundreds of sites were also affected and the web hosting provider said that they would no longer be able to host the site unless it was moved to a service that was significantly more than we were paying or could afford. With a very limited budget, and in complete desperation, AmpedStatus put out a call for help.
Anonymous Rides to the Rescue…
anon help A Report from the Frontlines: The Long Road to #OccupyWallStreet and the Origins of the 99% MovementAs came under attack, Anonymous was playing a key role in supporting the uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia. When no one else with the needed technical expertise would help us and it became apparent that we would have to shut down our operation, several Anonymous members stepped up and offered to support and defend from further attacks. They assisted in setting up a new hosting account and helped develop a new Independent social network for the 99% Movement. From that point on, has not once been knocked offline due to an attack.*
Ok. First of all, you're a Ron Paul supporter. So you're a Republican Party supporter whether you'll admit to it or not. Anyone who supports members from either the Republican or Democratic party are ultimately casting a vote for Wall Street. History shows that.
Ron Paul will disappoint you once he is in office. He will not End the Fed, just like Obama did not end the wars. Ron Paul is a Republican liar, just like Obama is a Democratic liar. He is simply telling you what you want to hear.
Who funds Anonymous Hackers' well polished, Hollywood-style productions?
Then consider this ... Anonymous imagery is borrowed from a movie that ends in the destruction of the British Parliament.
Yes, there are wonderful people within the Anonymous movement who are currently being brainwashed, just like there are wonderful people within the Ron Paul movement who are being brainwashed. And those people are apt to do some wonderful things.
But the Anonymous movement as a whole -- the message of the movement -- is not a positive one. It's a destructive one that attempts to channel the rage of the disaffected youth of this country. On the other hand, OWS has been channelling the positive energy of the disaffected around the world.
Just think about the Anonymous imagery for a moment ....
The New World Order ALWAYS funds both sides of every war.
Ron Paul has never been compromised and he the record to prove it. Only neocons and neolibs spread lies about him. Which are you?
Anonymous was a driving force in starting OWS. OWS wouldn't have happened without them.
Yes, the banks have funded both sides of most wars. That's not a reason for people to not revolt against the plantation owners.
Well ... I hope Ron Paul proves me wrong. If he ends up in office and does what he says, then my hat is off to him.
If Anonymous' message of destruction and revenge changes to the positive messages of the OWS, then my opinion of that organization will change as well. But as far as I can tell at the moment, the writing is clearly on the wall about them. Their tactics seem either clearly NWO-inspired to backed.
And lastly, I've never suggested that we should NOT revolt. I am 100% behind OWS. I only have serious doubts about the motivations behind Anonymous.
The problem with the NWO is that their hand is often so hidden. It's right to be on guard. They play the fascist v. communist game and that's a red flag when you see those two European ideologies start taking over. Neither has anything to do with the constitution that the founders penned and they are both used to undermine it.
By your post, i know you absolutely know nothing of Anonymous or what they are about. Anonymous as far as i have ever seen has done nothing to hurt people/consumers. They are on the side of people/consumers.
Yeah it was actually a tongue in cheek post to anon in response to a PM conversation we had.... But none the less Ron Paul 2012
better youtube video
lmao that's a good one! we really need to start a ron paul meme site
I hope people know that Anonymous is no more monolithic on ending the Fed or Ron Paul than OWS is. Like Soylent Green, Anonymous is just people. There are deranged conspiracy theorists and obsessive-compulsives everywhere. :)
Seriously, I'd say the Fed is an issue for 10% of the anons I know, if that. Not scientific in any way, but just FYI.
Yes that post was actually inspired by our PM conversation I always have to play devils advocate :) But seriously I know Ron Paul is a little out there for most but the fact of the matter is that we will elect a president in 2012 and Obama and the GOP front runners are so in bed with wall street and the financial sector its disgusting. Dr.Paul is not. He has been spitting the same message for over 20 yrs without changing his position and is about limited government. I know there is a lot of other stuff that he says that is controversial. But to me seems to be the only one who is at least pointed in the right direction. And imagine the blow we would serve to the establishment if he were elected. He is a libertarian the GOP doesn't take him seriously and neither does the media.... wait hes starting to sound like OWS
Ugh. I'll still hold my nose and vote "D" before I vote for Ron Paul. Give me a libertarian that isn't anti-choice and anti-gay and isn't going to spew "fair tax" dribble and I'll consider it... but Dr. Paul just isn't cutting it for me
Ron Paul has said that the government has no place in the marriage process gay or straight people can do as the please. How is diminishing the power of the federal government and placing the majority on the states anti choice. First of all the is how this country was designed by the forefathers it wasn't until years of political perversion did the federal government obtain such power. VOTE"D" cool so because of your lack of education and close mindedness you will further indorse a president who not only is a liar but sold us out to wall street. At least Dr.Paul is honest he has been saying the same message for over 20yrs with out flip flopping name one politician that has done that. But its people like you that were calling him crazy in 2001 when he was warning about the real estate bubble collapsing. He warned us about the patriot act when dem and rep were all on board. He blasted the government over their unconstitutional wars. He is the only candidate even calling for an audit of the Fed and has been doing so for years. Like his politics or not he is the only candidate that will increase our power as a populace to change the way things are being ran.
If I recall, you're referring to his personal preference. His official stance is that he'd like states to decide those issues (so you can have some states that support them, and others that don't), and get rid of taxes altogether.
Voting "D" is a great idea though. Maybe we can get into some more wars.
Ron Paul is running under the republican ticket but is a libertarian. Dem or Rep more wars are sure to fallow Obama has further committed even more troops to these failed imperialistic conquests and has lied about bringing them home.
That is his major negative point. He is still a republican with libertarian leanings. True libertarians dont use religion to influence their policies.
Response to your post below......I believe thats exactly whats going to happen he has ran as a third party before. He has never gotten the exposure and the chance to call out republicans like he has but starting in the Rep primary. But they obviously dont like him they marginalize his wins of straw polls across the nation. The conservative media wont cover him and surely wont be the choice of the GOP. He will run on his own and using the momentum build by people from movements such as this, that are sick of how things are run, will win or come so close that a three party system will be adopted. Which is would be nice.
Response to your post below......I believe thats exactly whats going to happen he has ran as a third party before. He has never gotten the exposure and the chance to call out republicans like he has but starting in the Rep primary. But they obviously dont like him they marginalize his wins of straw polls across the nation. The conservative media wont cover him and surely wont be the choice of the GOP. He will run on his own and using the momentum build by people from movements such as this, that are sick of how things are run, will win or come so close that a three party system will be adopted. Which is would be nice.
You realize that adopting a third party for the 2012 election will just get Obama reelected? 4 more years of the same bullshit, is that what we want? It's easier to change the system by infiltrating the system, and Ron Paul running on a Republican ticket is enough to get him elected and THEN positive reform will take place. A viable third party would be great for this country-but unfortunately the reality is that running Paul as a third party candidate would just land us 4 more years with Obama.
You realize that if any other republican besides Ron Paul wins it'll be 4 more years of the same bullshit, right?
Yep, that's why I'm doing everything I can to promote his good name and policies so that we don't end up with a Romney in office.
and when has he used religion?
Not him. His party. He shouldnt be with them if hes a true libertarian. He has enough support now. It may be time to start a third party. He has a lot of following among young people.
No he is libertarian who is at the mercy of a failed two party system his views haven't changed he has been delivering the same message for over 20 yrs. Why do you think the uneducated Americans dont support him it is not coming from the democrats, yet, it is coming from the republicans because his anti establishment views are contrary to their support big business model of governing. He is 100% constitution and the fact that fallowing the guide line in which this country was originally meant to govern is some how kookie and extreme is sad.
It really isn't fair to say Paul is a republican. He started off as third party and found it impossible to participate in the political system that way. That should be a key lesson to all of us regardless of how you feel about Paul. The Republicrats work together to define mainstream in cohorts with the propaganda networks and silence any views deemed "outside the norm" like not having all our politicians bought and paid for by oligarchs.