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Forum Post: Anonymous list of Demands

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 1:41 a.m. EST by anarch (10)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

UNITED MISSION STATEMENT (disseminate at will)

Expect us. You brushed us aside and ignored us. Now look, your sites get hacked, your criminal activities (such as “Fast and Furious”) exposed, banks are losing customers en masse, and now a worldwide uprising has been created and we won’t stop until your parasitic, destructive system is destroyed and all its criminals behind bars and, if applicable, impeached.

Initial Demands:

-Keep corporations out of politics/no more lobbying (which is essentially a bribe)/Firewall between Corporations and State

-Reversal of Citizens United ruling (Classifies Corporations as “The People” when convenient; allows them to “contribute” unlimited funds to politicians)

-Hold Corporations accountable for their numerous (and often horrific) crimes like you would a regular citizen, here and abroad if they are an American company. (If you still classify them as people, then not only do the high ranking employees face criminal charges, but the corporation itself must be “jailed”, operations shut down, computers and files locked away for duration of sentence. (Haliburton, Nike, Monsanto…the list is long)

-Criminal enterprises disbanded and high level members prosecuted for racketeering, fraud, conspiracy, and treason (such as Wall Street, CEOs looting pension funds, the unconstitutional and not at all Federal Reserve*, Goldman Sachs {Obama’s leading donor}, etc.) There are many beltway attorneys willing to prosecute if protected. Spitzer was trying, then got “honey trapped”

-THE QUICKEST GOAL TO ACHIEVE: Clear the Supreme Court’s schedule and have them rule on the legality of the IMF hub Federal Reserve while using military to protect them and their families while also monitoring these public servant’s bank accounts

-No more unions for government employees

-Eliminate all Tax Loopholes

-A law making one ineligible for Public Office if worked (or immediate family worked) on Board for multi-national Corporation

-Locate and eliminate tax havens for tax evaders, the greediest of the greedy

-End the Patriot Act

-End the Wars (including Drug War)

-Impeach and prosecute the complicit politicians and bankers (including Obama, and tried for war crimes those who came before)

-Expose Economic Hitman and arrest them and their bosses

-Expose and Outlaw FBI/CIA created terrorism internationally and domestically

-More checks and balances for cops and stiffer penalties for egregious abuses such as loss of pension and jail time (and they must pass a constitutional test before getting job)

-Allow/Remove restrictions for much more independent media across the nation (ala Italy)

Please spread around at least some of these to as many people as possible. Make Youtube videos. Make your own fliers. Add your own points if it doesn’t drift too far; that will merely cause dissent among us which is what they want. Remember, ixnay on taxes. Talk of taxes WILL DOOM the movement!!! Whether or not you agree on taxing the 1% more doesn’t matter because the .01% will find a way to steal that money too.

Many mid-level Government employees don’t want to see the country burn, nor do most of the military. So get them on board, they are the 99.99% too. Otherwise, we will either bring the whole system crashing down, starting anew community by community, or the current way will turn us all into serfs until humanity is more than decimated.

We won’t stop. Expect us.

*Each of the U.S. Federal Reserve Banks can be dissolved today by an act of Congress or “forfeiture of franchise for violation of law.” How the American people can end the unconstitutional control of their money using the Federal Reserve interest bearing counterfeit Note is codified in the United States Code, TITLE 12 CHAPTER 3 SUBCHAPTER IX § 341: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/uscod ... 2_00000341——000-.html General enumeration of powers. What laws have the Federal Reserve violated that would warrant their immediate forfeiture? Counterfeiting, money laundering, trafficking of counterfeit Federal Reserve Notes, securities fraud, fraud, insider trading, extortion, and embezzlement.

Only the Congress of the U.S., which comprises of the Senate and the House of Representatives has the power to coin and issue the U.S. money supply and regulate the value thereof? [Article 1 Section 1 and Section 8] Nowhere, in the Constitution does it give Congress the power or authority to transfer any powers granted under the Constitution to a private corporation. Therefore the Federal Reserve is null and void.

http://anoncentral.tumblr.com/post/1196 ... sed-around



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