Forum Post: Anonymous and legal protests?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 6:29 a.m. EST by jvbsa
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
No banners etc. Blend into the public.
A bunch of people drive at the minimum legal speed on key arterial highways at critical times, then move to another. This will cause aggravation, missed flights, and meetings etc.
Everyone arrive at about the same peak time at a train station and just cause general congestion to delay passengers, then move to another. Perhaps even all get on a peak hour train and fill it up before regular commuters.
All arrive at a supermarket or mall at the same time and wander around aimlessly.
In all of the above you should be indistinguishable from the general public. Calm, no shouting or banners etc.
Protect your tents by threading fish hooks into the material.
Use the method of your choice to announce the venue.
Use your imagination.
Everyone will know what it is about.
Denying anyone the right to participate in capitalism is akin to racism. Capitalism is a race, but millions are denied the right to even enter the race under the current structure.