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Forum Post: Andrew Cuomo's War On the 99%

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 2:10 p.m. EST by madeinusa (393)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

after cutting State Agency budgets by 10% in 2010, 10% in 2011, now he wants to cut government service by another 2.5% while giving a huge tax break to millionaires. call Cuomos office to tell him you had enough:

You may also contact the Governor's office by phone (518) 474-8390 or mail:

The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo Governor of New York State NYS State Capitol Building Albany, NY 12224

A reader forwarded this Oct. 31 letter to all agency commissioners from state Budget Director Bob Megna, who reiterated that “through the implementation of management efficiencies and the smart use of technology, your agency spending must not exceed” the cash ceiling level set in early May. In addition, Megna added:

“The 2012-13 budget will require agencies to continue to find efficiencies and make smart management decisions that reduces costs by an additional 2.5 percent.”

“Last year, Governor Cuomo presented his Budget not as a series of Budget cuts, but as a management exercise. We must challenge ourselves as approach this year’s Budget to achieve the Governor’s vision of making government work better, smarter and operate more efficiently. Agencies need to re-think their operations from to to bottom.”




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[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

on a key issue for the protesters, keeping a surcharge on those making $250,000 or more that’s due to expire at the end of the year, voters registered broad support for letting it stay in place.

Still, more New Yorkers — 44 percent — find themselves agreeing with the Occupy Wall Street movement compared to the conservative Tea Party protests. That movement finds support from only 21 percent of New York voters. While those agreeing with the Occupy movement are young and tend to be registered Democrats, those who identify with the Tea Party, 40 percent say they are Republicans, while 47 percent say their political beliefs are conservative.

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

on a key issue for the protesters, keeping a surcharge on those making $250,000 or more that’s due to expire at the end of the year, voters registered broad support for letting it stay in place.

Still, more New Yorkers — 44 percent — find themselves agreeing with the Occupy Wall Street movement compared to the conservative Tea Party protests. That movement finds support from only 21 percent of New York voters. While those agreeing with the Occupy movement are young and tend to be registered Democrats, those who identify with the Tea Party, 40 percent say they are Republicans, while 47 percent say their political beliefs are conservative.

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

does anyone else find this interesting seeing we are having budget issues and they flat out refuse to tax the upper 2%

NEW YORK POST Updated Tue. Nov.1, 2011 2:28 am State’s GOP in hell-rai$er By ERIK KRISS Bureau Chief Last Updated: 2 38 AM. November 1, 2011 Posted. 1:21 AM, November 1, 2011

ALBANY – While unionized state workers are getting hit with three years of wage freezes, and Gov. Cuomo and his top aides are taking 5 percent wage hikes, state Senate Republicans are doling out pay hikes to most of their Capitol staffers,

[-] 1 points by RicoSuave (218) 13 years ago

Cuomo has only been governor since January so he had nothing to do with last year's budget.

I do support Cuomo's cutting of the budget. I wish he would go deeper. We have too much government here in NY State and too many government employees

He is also NOT giving a tax break to millionaires. That is a dishonest spin on an issue.

He is allowing an additional temporary tax on millionaires that was signed into law by his predecessor to expire.

You can't keep taxing millionaires and expect them to stay living in your state. After David Patterson signed his temporary millionaire tax, some millionaires moved out of state.

Society needs millionaires to pay for the government services that non-taxpayers demand.

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

Governor 1% was behine evrything Paterson did. Paterson was a bumbling moron. We have too many government employees? Based on what? We have been giving tax breaks to millionaires for 30 years now and where has it got NYS? Shit roads, shit everything. Who moved out of NYS? Limbaugh and Golisano? Who cares, we don't need them. Tax the Rich. Make them pay their FAIR share.

In 1972, New York State had a personal income tax with 14 brackets, ranging from a low of 2% to a high of 15%.

Since that time the state government has significantly restructured the state personal income tax in a variety of ways. Among the changes that have been made since 1972 has been a move to something that is much closer to a flat tax. This has been done by eliminating brackets from both the bottom and the top of the old structure.

For example, the lowest rate in the old structure was 2%. But the 2% and 3% brackets have been eliminated, so the lowest rate is now 4%.

At the other end of the spectrum, even more brackets have been eliminated. The 15%, 14%, 13%, 12%, 11%, 10% 9%, 8%, and 7% brackets are all gone.

New York now has a 5-bracket/5-rate system, with both the 5 rates and the 5 brackets in very tight ranges.

All five of New York's current rates are between 4% (the current lowest rate) and 6.85% (the current highest rate).

[-] 1 points by RicoSuave (218) 13 years ago

Rich people already do pay their "fair" share of taxes in our society. They pay most of the taxes.

The only thing we can agree on is that Paterson was a bumbling moron.

[-] 0 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

They do not. Why so many tax breaks? Where is ours?

In 1972, New York State had a personal income tax with 14 brackets, ranging from a low of 2% to a high of 15%.

Since that time the state government has significantly restructured the state personal income tax in a variety of ways. Among the changes that have been made since 1972 has been a move to something that is much closer to a flat tax. This has been done by eliminating brackets from both the bottom and the top of the old structure.

For example, the lowest rate in the old structure was 2%. But the 2% and 3% brackets have been eliminated, so the lowest rate is now 4%.

At the other end of the spectrum, even more brackets have been eliminated. The 15%, 14%, 13%, 12%, 11%, 10% 9%, 8%, and 7% brackets are all gone.

New York now has a 5-bracket/5-rate system, with both the 5 rates and the 5 brackets in very tight ranges.

All five of New York's current rates are between 4% (the current lowest rate) and 6.85% (the current highest rate).

[-] 1 points by RicoSuave (218) 13 years ago

Are you looking for a tax break? How much do you make and how much in taxes do you pay to the State of New York?

The rich do pay their fair share. Only to people like you, they will never pay enough regardless of what the tax rate is.

The 9th Commandment states "thou shall not covet thy neighbors goods". Envy is also a "deadly sin".

Also .... post the link to where you get the info on NYS taxes that you have been spamming on this board. It looks bogus.

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

I make around 40K and we pay a few thousand in income taxes each year. I don't want a tax break. I only want everyone to pay their fair share like we used to do in this state and country. I do not covet anything, I am sick of seeing shit roads and firehouses close while the rich keep getting tax breaks and ours keeps increasing. I am perfectly happy except what I have seen for the past 30 years. I do not envy anything; this is not about me. The republicans think everything is about me me me. Guess what, I am not like that. These are the facts. Here is the link and while you are at it here is the link to DTF so you can ask them what the tax rates were in 1972 if you think I am lying or something. .



[-] 1 points by RicoSuave (218) 13 years ago

Rich people do pay their fair share. In states like NY, they pay MORE than their fair share.

If you see shit roads and firehouses closing it is NOT because rich people don't pay enough in taxes. It is because politicians spend the money on the wrong things.

We are told our gas taxes are to pay to fix the roads. Ask politicians what they are doing with that money. Don't ask the people who pay most of the taxes to pay more.

Your fiscalpolicy link is not a credible source of information. Web sites run by people from their homes are not credible sources of info.

You couldn't just find the rates on the NYS web site?

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

Our politcians give the money for corporate welfare etc. See IBM. Of course Cuomo had DTF take it down the old rates a while ago. He is a snake and does not care about FOIL and the 1st amendment. This statement "Your fiscalpolicy link is not a credible source of information. Web sites run by people from their homes are not credible sources of info." is a crock of shit. The Times Union always quotes statemenst from them. You are making statements you cannot back up.


Frank Mauro

Fiscal Policy Institute

1 Lear Jet Lane

Latham, NY 12110




James Parrott

Fiscal Policy Institute

11 Park Place

New York, NY 10007



[-] 1 points by RicoSuave (218) 13 years ago

It's not a credible web site regardless of who quotes them.

We are in agreement regarding corporate welfare. I am, and was always against bailouts, government loans, etc.

I am against all "crony capitalism" between government and favored businesses.

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

How is it not credible? You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Its the Fiscal Policy Institute with chapters all over the country.

[-] 1 points by RicoSuave (218) 13 years ago

I'll take your word that it is an organization with numerous chapters. I don't have the time to check them out properly.

Maybe send them a nice email telling them to update their web site so it doesn't look like some high school kid set it up back in 1997.

It's data still seems specious. What is their political agenda? Don't tell me they are "non-partisan" because every non-profit "Institute" is "partisan" and has an agenda to a certain degree.

[-] 1 points by Tryagain (300) 13 years ago

99%???? Sorry, but it's just those that work for government. The 99% only gets involved when you ask who PAYS for it.

Government employees want a bigger and more costly government not for any interest as citizens, but only as EMPLOYEES.

[-] 1 points by LibertarianCommunist (22) 13 years ago

I am an adjunct instructor at SUNY already making poverty wages and now my union tells me we may soon be facing furloughs because of Cuomo's cuts. Educating non-traditional adult learners benefits all New Yorkers and I do it because I care.

So take your reactionary talking points and sail them up your ass.

[-] 1 points by Tryagain (300) 13 years ago

Sounds like you should start advocating some house cleaning with other unions in New York. Maybe if you tossed some bricks off of your balloon, it would have a little better lift. Come on, you're and instructor and can't figure that out? I'm going with social "sciences". That taxpayer has had it. It's time for reform.

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

How can you say "Government employees want a bigger and more costly government not for any interest as citizens, but only as EMPLOYEES." I took my job to protect the taxpayers from scumbag corporations that want to hurt the citizens of New York. I know many many co workers who feel the same way. Don't ever put words in someones mouth. It just shows how ignorant you people are. You know nothing about some of us government employees. I am sorry but our public employees are honorable and need some credit. We serve the public unlike scumbag CEOs who rip people and their workers off any chance they get. I am also proud of my family members that serve the public. You know nothing about all the smiles I put on peoples faces when I protect them. Fuck ignorant people, you are just as bad as the racist slave owners of the civil war era.

[-] 1 points by Tryagain (300) 13 years ago

It's obvious and public employee actions across the country speak for themselves. Yeah, got it, CEOs bad, government employees good.

Serve the public? Sadly, that's been twisted into a public that now serves them. It's time for reform, before bankruptcy.

In Chicago, trash collection costs 3x what it does in Houston. Why? Union extortion. In Chicago, the unions have rigged even something as simple as changing street light bulbs. Yep, minimum of 3 people on the job. In Chicago, the average city worker puts in only 5 1/2 hours a day. Retirement? Years earlier than taxpayers. Raises? Why, that's automatic, unlike with taxpayers. On and on. But the tone deaf unions want more, ignoring what the recession has done to taxpayers.

They've corrupted the process using their roles as citizens to pad their roles as employees. Don't like the result at the negotiating table? Swap out the other side via the political process to get more compliant people. Look at Wisconsin. That's exactly what that is. Don't like the employee situation? Wham, spin the hat around and now you're a voter ready for the recall. It's corrupt and it needs to change.

Even FDR knew better than to unleash the beast of government employee unions.

Fuck ignorant people? No, you mean fuck working families who just don't happen to work for government.

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

i WORKED IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR FIRST FOR MANY MORE YEARS THAN PUBLIC AND i GOT SCREWED, TREATED LIKE SHIT AND HARASSED AT EVERY JOB. i WAS A MODEL EMPLOYEE. IT WAS ONLY ABOUT STEALING FROM US. You have no facts to back up "Sadly, that's been twisted into a public that now serves them." you must have been fired from a public job. Public employees are being laid off by the 10 of thousands, giving up benefits, no raises etc. You are ignorant since we know most people supports us and the job we do protecting them from unscrupulous for profits. Sorry but Texas is not a model for employee compensation. The only jobs created there are minimum wage jobs. so stop grasping for straws. I earned my post graduate degrees and now serve the public for alot less money but the job is rewarding when I see the smiles on the publics faces. We are there for the people. What have you done? Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. I love helping the public and thats why I work for the gov't. Oh and sorry, I work 8 hours plus countless hours at home because I care. 5.5 hours? That bullshit and you know it. Facts

[-] 1 points by Tryagain (300) 13 years ago

The facts are all over the country. New Jersey and Illinois typify moribund and bankrupt late stage union cases. Neither state will ever be able to pay what has been foisted on them by the unions. Chicago will explode too. It's going to be like Greece where even when the reality of insolvency is staring them right in the face, they still won't get it. They'll protest and protest, but with tone deafness to taxpayers and ignorance of the reality that checkbooks do eventually reach zero.

It isn't bullshit, those are facts. Unions stifle. Unions bloat. Unions control. Unions extort.

Texas is a model for not facing bankruptcy. That's a little something that's going to matter more and more in the future. And when states like Jersey, Illinois, and New York continue to get backed into higher taxes to prop up the unions, more people will be looking for the door, and places like Texas. It's broken and it's time for reform.

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

public employees did not cause the recession as you are trying to grasp for. Have you seen the deficit in texas? 16 billion i believe. nj chose to rob the pension fund like the congtress raided ss. you are not educated on the topics you choose fox news has failed you. maybe you should read things not associated with right wing bias?

[-] 1 points by Tryagain (300) 13 years ago

Nope, they didn't cause the recession. OK, now what? I guess in a union brain, that means you can just kick the shit out of a taxpayer for it or that it isn't happening? Seriously, that means what as a course of action? Typical tone deafness and denial, but it's also typical of unions.

In reality, the recession did us a favor. The sooner the lights came on to union abuses and the build up of future promises, the better. It would've been all the worse had it not popped for another decade.

Yes, the Texas deficit is big, but they're dealing with it. Texas also has no income tax and doesn't just walk up its costs like northern union states do. So, because of sound financial practices and having never surrendered control to the employees, Texas has flexibility to operate and ample room to raise taxes should an emergency ensue.

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

so go to texas and be happy then if you think its heaven on earth. Unions have helped the people gain 40 hour work weeks and fair wages. How can we abuse anyone? It was the politicians you voted that negotiate with us. We do not have a gun to their heads when they negotiate. We negotiate just like private sector unions except we cannot strike. We have less ammunition than private sector does. We cannot control anyone, management or politicians. NY pension fund is overfunded. NY deficits have been caused by wall st and medicaid. They are being dealt with better than Texas if I have to give Cuomo credit. Does Fox News talk about Texas deficits or the only jobs created were min wage jobs? How about the majority of people in TX do not have health insurance? Sounds like a scene from the Dark Ages.

[-] 1 points by Tryagain (300) 13 years ago

I already did, from Illinois. IL is truly broken and I'm glad I left for someplace with more economic freedom. The recession has been relatively mild here as a result. We're attracting other Americans and it's helping our economy, and state fiscal situation.

No, it isn't like in private companies. In private companies, it's clear. Management and employees are separate and negotiate. The system has a great check in that if the union goes too far, the company fails.

In public unions, the unions directly drive elections. Unions are a huge source of money and manpower for driving their agenda in voting. In Ohio, it's unions that worked to get a ballot initiative to undo labor reform. In this way, the seek to rig their negotiating partner. They use their roles as citizen to strengthen their position in negotiating as employees. And there's no discipline. If the unions foist something goofy on government, government just goes and takes more, with the full backing and support of it's voter employees. Even FDR knew this was looking for trouble and now we've found it.

In Texas, a lot of people don't have health insurance, that's true. But I would encourage to get a map and notice that Texas borders Mexico. You might realize too that northern liberals think it's really neat to leave that border open. Imagine that, doing so has consequences.

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

How can public unions come close to the money by the Kochs and other right wing organizations? In NY public unions cannot give money to political purposes unless we give it to them. Its called COPE.

[-] 1 points by Tryagain (300) 13 years ago

They do, via dues money mandatorily collected from members, liberal or not. In Wisconsin, the state was even collecting the dues via payroll deduction. They stopped as part of the reforms, but I imagine that practice is common.

"We have the ability, in a sense, to elect our own boss", Victor Gotbaum, New York labor leader from the '70s.

[-] 0 points by cmt (1195) from Tolland, CT 13 years ago

Psychiatric nurses who want better care for their patients. Epidemiologists who want the resources to ensure that epidemics don't happen. Criminalists who want evidence to be tested better and faster so that criminals are found and prosecuted. Just a few of your government employees at work.

Having had a small business for many years and been the head of a non-profit, I can tell you that government employees are, on average, hard working and dedicated.

[-] 0 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

Thank you. We appreciate your support and always expect good work from your public employees because most of us care unlike Governor 1%.

[-] 0 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

A Little Bit of Tax History

The Path Not Taken: How New York State Increased the Tax Burden on the Middle Class and Cut Taxes for its Highest Income Taxpayers by Over $8 Billion a Year

In 1972, New York State had a personal income tax with 14 brackets, ranging from a low of 2% to a high of 15%.

Since that time the state government has significantly restructured the state personal income tax in a variety of ways. Among the changes that have been made since 1972 has been a move to something that is much closer to a flat tax. This has been done by eliminating brackets from both the bottom and the top of the old structure.

For example, the lowest rate in the old structure was 2%. But the 2% and 3% brackets have been eliminated, so the lowest rate is now 4%.

At the other end of the spectrum, even more brackets have been eliminated. The 15%, 14%, 13%, 12%, 11%, 10% 9%, 8%, and 7% brackets are all gone.

New York now has a 5-bracket/5-rate system, with both the 5 rates and the 5 brackets in very tight ranges.

All five of New York's current rates are between 4% (the current lowest rate) and 6.85% (the current highest rate).

[-] 1 points by Tryagain (300) 13 years ago

You're under the idea that people lack freedom. Your tax rates are a great idea, but you'll need to pass one more law. You'll need to make it illegal to leave. Already, NY state sees two Americans leave for every American that moves in.

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

NY popultion has actually increased. Read the census

[-] 1 points by Tryagain (300) 13 years ago

Because of immigration. Americans are in out-migration.

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

we are all americans

[-] 1 points by Tryagain (300) 13 years ago

No, we're not. NY can't attract Americans and that's a problem.

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

Where did your ancesters come from? My grandparents came from Europe several decades ago. We are all Americans.

[-] 1 points by Tryagain (300) 13 years ago

Lemme walk you through it. People that move here can become Americans, but aren't Americans when they get here. Read it again, if necessary.

[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

yeah and NY citizens are just that...citizens. Citizens of NY and the USA. They are counted and no different from you and me.

[-] 1 points by mre43262011 (21) 13 years ago

Don't donate to this clown or visit those videos.

The videos are all wild whacked out conspiracy theory "Reptilans rule the world bullshit.

The site is loaded with drive-by downloads, trojans and other nasties!

Paypal is part of what people are fighting

Occupy Paypal, billions in rolling resever for 6 months, no tax, no interest to people


[-] 1 points by madeinusa (393) 13 years ago

what is this shit?