Forum Post: And we almost elected these idiots to run the government
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 20, 2012, 10:58 p.m. EST by brightonsage
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Doesn't look like the GOP can figure out whether "Plan B" is a club to beat up the poor again (even poor Republicans), a gift exclusively for million(or billion)aires, or an abortion pill.
A poison pill is something that makes a seeming opportunity into something that is so unattractive that nobody will go near it.
Consider that the GOP gerrymandered the districts in GOP controlled states so that those representatives are totally safe in elections until 2022. And, consider that those districts didn't elect typical GOP conservatives. They elected TEA party lunatics who are in the Koch Party. They are the poison pill that isn't going away for a long time.
They can block so much of what Congress has been doing routinely since the US was formed to wreak major havoc on the governance and the economy of the US. Main stream Republicans, yes, there are a few that could still be called that, can't manage, push, cajole these idiots into doing the normal job of governance. They are more worthy of the title of "terrorists" than many others who have been labeled as such. They are governance terrorists.
And the country seriously considered, and nearly half voted for an idiot who was so corrupt as to claim to be one of them, as president. The scary thing is they elected TEA party representatives and these aliens (alien to our culture) are still here. Poised to do still more damage.
Getting around them is dependent on the courage of main stream Republicans in the House returning to the main stream and voting with the Dems to save the Union, as Lincoln might have called for.
Maybe their "Plan B" stands for blithering?
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If they addressed reform on trade laws, monetary policy, and a living wage, it wouldn't matter if our taxes went up and we would have money to cover social programs.
THEY don't want to talk about these things.
I think it would be for the best to go over the cliff. Its seems to be the only way to get some defense cuts. Even that isn't nearly enough. But it's a start.
I buy the package you have put together.
I wish the forced cuts included their jobs and a lifetime ban from government.
"Fiscal cliff." These politicians are corrupt hacks.
I like that. Others have said, "Stop their pay." Since most are millionaires, ahem, I mean job creators, I can't see that they would feel it much.
They voted to give themselves a raise during a financial crisis and a deficit.
Gee, that's helpful.
Plan A, Plan B, Plan Obama or Plan Boehner.
There is nothing being discussed at length that is going to stop this downward spiral.
Either the people get off their asses and start practicing self governance, and stop pandering to these invalids, or expect more of the same.