Forum Post: An Episode Of Fringe?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 10:08 p.m. EST by seedypoet
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So...anyone else notice how you show up at Liberty Park or 60 Wall Street (maybe your face hasn't been seen in a while) and you start asking questions about what's going on, who's doing what, if there's been any trouble with the cops, what upcoming plans for marches and demonstrations are, Occupiers tend to start talking in hushed tones or shut up altogether? Did I miss the GA where we discussed the passwords for the new secret information conduit? Is paranoia starting to creep in? Or is everyone less informed about goings on than they should be? I mean, I can keep checking the websites for info, but you'd think by now this social movement would be a little more social when it comes to discussing what we're doing face to face, outside of GA.
Speaking of which, is there a main facebook page that has actual up-to-date info or an ongoing conversation about OWS?
And is there a central website where people can contribute internet content in the form of graphics or document? There's a lot of this stuff being shared and it would seem logical that we'd create an archive that people could contribute to.
Besides 'occupytogether' that economicallydiscardedcitizen mentions below you could try this link:
He's trying to compile as much pertinent info in one spot as possible. It's worth a look.
What others have replied here makes sense. Since I'm in Reno, NV I am unable to participate in and mingle with New York's OWC at the heart of the movement. I do know there's where my posts as "99er99percenter" are enabled to carry direct cut and pastes of photos so you might want to check that sister site out along with any others referred here.
I can't speak to your last two questions, friend, but you must realize that agents of the state are not only infiltrating the movement, but also acting to stir up trouble. Don't be offended if the community is a little wary of a guy popping up and asking a lot of questions about its future plans. Be patient, make friends, show that you're a friend. In time you'll be accepted.
Well, I've showed up about 50 of the 68 days. Everytime I show up, there are new faces. How long should I wait? Until I personally know all the regulars? Could take a while. And the ones I know (at least by face) are more paranoid than the newcomers.
Yes, the agents of the state are infiltrating, we knew this from the beginning. But what exactly are we hiding? We announce everything to anybody whose listening at every GA.
Also, wouldn't an infiltrator make sure no one suspected him by showing up all the time and becoming a familiar face?