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Forum Post: An Unquiet Death In Western Pennsylvania

Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 10, 2013, 6:05 p.m. EST by trashyharry (3084) from Waterville, NY
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My father died in 2007 at the age of 85.He was a graduate of the Naval Academy and took a commission in the Marine Corps in the late 1940's.He was a decorated combat veteran,having fought in the Korean War.He always refused to discuss his experiences during that war,or what he did to earn his medals,one of which-the Silver Star-was rarely given out at the time.The Silver Star With Oakleaf Clusters I think is given "For Gallantry"and the attached Clusters are given for some particular circumstance related to the action which earned the decoration.Anyhow,my father turned out not to have the correct personality traits for a successful career in the Marines,and he left the Military a few years before I was born,in 1958.He entered the Civil Service and spent the rest of his working life as a civilian employee of the Air Force,eventually reaching the rank of GS 21-supposedly this level is equivalent to a 4 star General Officer.About my father's work I know very little,but I do know he spent the 70's working at a senior staff level for SAC.Exactly how far to the left my father's politics were during most of his life,I am not sure,although like most combat veterans he was vehemently opposed to War-ALL War.During the last years of his life,he was completely disillusioned,bitter,and in a constant state of rage and despair because of the many terrifying developments during the Bush Administration such as the War with Iraq,the Torturing,and the setting aside of the Constitution of the United States of America.The one thing that upset him the most was that he was too old to join the popular uprising we were all sure was imminent in 2006,a year before his death.The last time I saw him,my brother and I told him-"We will go;when the people go into the streets,we will go-we will be right in front."And so,I did go,but in the interim,the Authorities have suppressed our marches and protests with such brutality that our weak-kneed populace has been deterred.So the next non-violent tactic will have to be deployed-one that cannot be supressed with brutal police actions.I am ready to join this action.I believe enough other people are also ready to do the same.Soon.I feel that my father deserved a peaceful death and that he earned it.Instead,he died tortured by horrible thoughts about what our country has turned into.I can't forget or forgive my father's unquiet death...among other things.all of us have to live with ourselves...



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[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 12 years ago

"We will go;when the people go into the streets,we will go-we will be right in front."And so,I did go,but in the interim,the Authorities have suppressed our marches and protests with such brutality that our weak-kneed populace has been deterred.So the next non-violent tactic will have to be deployed-one that cannot be supressed with brutal police actions.I am ready to join this action."

Me too, trashyharry. Millions of us are, we just have to get this going again.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

I'm so sorry.


[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 12 years ago

Trashy, I am sorry to hear of your father's "unquiet death." BUT I am thankful for the fact that he was so disturbed by his recognition of the horrible state of affairs in our nation. Nothing can be fixed or improved upon without the recognition of a problem. I do sense a growing awareness in people.