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Forum Post: An Opinion

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 8:10 p.m. EST by Earthwalker (0) from Vancouver, BC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The occupy movement no longer make people stop and think about the economy because they have pushed the wrong people to force their message and for too long. There are guys that barely make 50 dollars a day selling food only to have all the customers driven away. They have gone from having a point about the economic divide to pissing in the streets and making the poorer man (a working class joe) unable to earn anything. In the Vancouver Occupy one fatality due to narcotics and a second near overdose yeah that really shows the general public that they are standing for something, instead of gathering support they are garnering anger from the general public and not the Rich 1% percent. Most of those types don't even go downtown. How many effing deals have heard of that those rich bastards have made not in the downtown but on the golfing green, or a private resort. It ain't downtown that they should be 'occupying'. It should be the front lawns of the ones that are pulling the strings. You want to make a real statement instead of being just a annoyance to everyone, set your camps in front of those rich buggers homes. To them downtown is irrelevant it is just a place of business and sadly it is something that was already there, instead of homeless people in the alleys lets put them in the city core out in the open ...oh that is right they was already there. It won't matter to the ones with the money as they live far from the downtown core and they get to go home and enjoy the solitude of their homes. The entire cause has become irrelevant, I did support it, but they now they affecting the wrong people. To truly affect change stop chewing the knees out from the regular hardworking people and head to the homes of the ones that are that 1%. To me the message is lost and whether they like or not it is changing for the worst, they are losing the respect of the general public and even more so they are turning the public against them.



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[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

I feel your frustration but consider this: Occupying land is a powerful show of force. This "show" by OWS only serves one purpose. It's a shot across the bow, a warning shot. Targeting Wall Street as opposed to Washington or individuals and their famiies is quite ingenious. So i suggest to you that instead of camping out any more, OWS takes it to the next level (because 1% DIDN'T get the message) and follow through on the PROMISE to #occupy CONGRESS!!! which is what they are truly afraid of. Thanks.

