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Forum Post: An Open Letter to the Police

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 8:47 p.m. EST by darrenlobo (204)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The time has come for you to make a choice. You must choose where you stand. You must take a stand and decide what society you wish to live in. Do not tell us that you follow orders, we dealt with that one decades ago. We don’t want to hear that policies are set far above you, by those with more power than you. They have no power without you; you are their power. Without your willing participation, they are nothing more than miserable creatures, talking to the walls in overly decorated rooms. You convert their statements into physical actions. You decide which orders to follow, and from whom. It is your call.

Read the rest at: http://lewrockwell.com/katz-j/katz-j34.1.html?mid=5376526



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