Forum Post: An Open Letter to David Brooks of The PBS News Hour & The New York Times
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 5:10 p.m. EST by samizdatinc
from Portland, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Mr. Brooks,
During the “Shields and Brooks” segment of the PBS News Hour on Friday October 7th, you described the Wall Street protests as "a couple hundred people here and there.” I respect you and your work very much, but you are very wrong on this issue.
At the Portland, OR protest on Thursday, 10,000 people showed up to stand in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. That's 5% of the population! The same amount of people showed in New York City. There were over 200 demonstrations around the country last week—representing every major city in our Divided States.
Later in the segment, you also said: "the radicalism may scare away more people then they attract," while comparing the movement to the Tea Party.
The Tea Party rallies saw racial insults thrown at members of Congress, demonstrators spitting on members of Congress, and posters with the President dressed up in Hitler garb. In Arizona, tea partiers brought assault riffles to their demonstration. Multiple tea party candidates in 2010 suggested the violent overthrow of the government as a solution to our current economic problems.
In comparison, the rally I attended centered around the chant "We are the 99% (and you are too)!" The emphasis was firmly placed on a non-violent approach to solidifying radical change and reformation of our economic system.
I have always respected your firm belief in a moderate approach to our politically diametric system and I believe your attempts at portraying issues fairly are genuine. As such, I believe you owe your audience a correction, the Occupy Wall Street movement an apology, and the world the truth.
We are the 99%, Mr. Brooks, and you are too.
Ryan Tobias
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