Forum Post: An open letter to all who hold, or seek to hold public office:
Posted 12 years ago on May 31, 2012, 6:38 a.m. EST by factsrfun
from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Dear Sir/Madams,
No matter which political party you may ascribe to, or none at all, I urge you to carry forward the message of public funding for elections. If you feel it in your heart the time is NOW. In the very red Arizona, we passed public funding over ten years ago; it is an ideal whose time has come.
To those that support OWS, I hope that you will do all you can to help those who do support public funding, and all you can to defeat those who oppose it.
first link
new link up doesn't affaect the point really,_Proposition_200_(1998)
weird google search "AZ clean elections" gets you there but from here, no good
The public financing idea is good - but as long as david & charles can throw $50,000,000 into a state election, doesn't this just drown the public funding?
untill threcent Robert's Court decesion the state could match funds, now it is tougher
shameless bump..
public funding is the key