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Forum Post: An Occupation on the Edge of Prosperity… DRAFT

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 15, 2012, 2:10 a.m. EST by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC
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An Occupation on the Edge of Prosperity…

We have many problems that not only led us to this state… but also lie further ahead… Changing our government will help no doubt… but we still have much more to do…

Why is it that much of today’s corporations, government bodies, court systems, etc. so in-festered with illegal and selfish activities? Is it simply greed? Or could some survival be involved?

We have many problems ahead, and the primary one is job opportunity.. Do we really need 10′s of 1000′s of Health care managers telling our doctors and medical staff what they can or cannot do?… adding trillions to our healthcare costs? … When the Democrats held Congress, they wanted to centralize Healthcare, they had the votes, Obama stopped it… why?… He implied.. I am not going to put another 14% of the population out of work in this recession…

We have also intentionally created a disposable economy… we design built-in failure… so demand replenishes itself… creating mountains of trash… Is that solely for big profits… or can it also be for survival?

Why did we create the biggest building boom in the history of the country when we knew it would eventually collapse? All for jobs… Now granted, Greed plays a big part… as does crime…

How do we fix it?

Change the government?.. yes I agree… replace them all… but then what? We need to advance… We need to be the government….We need to change what we consider valuable… And when we have done that we need to expand it such that there is no need…

Personally I agree with the ideology of the benefits of capitalistic free-enterprise… how-ever I also see the failures of it…

I also agree the ideology of the benefits of common and shared property and resources… and also see the failures of it…

Do we compromise? …Seems a bit unworthy of a People who put men on the moon… I know we can do better…

Let’s think of the opposing Ideologies… the dreams… One reaches for Individual Freedom & Economic Opportunity … while the other reaches for Economic Freedom & Individual Opportunity …

Why do they need to be different, why one or the other? I think we should reach for it all…

Up to this point in time… most everything in a capitalistic system evolves around “economic wealth”….

Is Art not a wealth? Is Knowledge not wealth? Is Health not wealth?..

It is argued that wealth is created when we do labor to transform something worthless into something useful, into something that can be later traded…

Teaching a child to read is also preforming labor… is also useful… is worth something… it is wealth… how-ever it cannot be traded as a commodity… not an economic wealth… but it is still wealth…

Why do we need to evaluate these non-economic Wealth’s to economic realm ? Seriously, Economic Wealth is merely economic… the buying, selling, trading of crap….

Designed to turn into trash once paid for… Designed to fill our Seas with Garbage… Can we not do better than this? …

Our concept of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) does not measure health, happiness, education, or civic participation.* Where is Gross Domestic Wealth (GDW) ?… We need an advancement…

We have an opportunity to expand wealth beyond mere economic terms, and therefore we have an opportunity to expand currency. Why is revenue contribution based solely on economic income? What does one’s economic income have to do with cost or contribution to society?

Or a corporation’s cost or contribution to society?

Would not it be more accurate to base revenue contribution or incentives on provided jobs? That’s what we really need…

Would not it be more accurate to base revenue contribution or incentives on provided good health? That’s what we really need…

Why do we all need to work in factories? Soon robots will do that all anyway…

Why can’t we paint pictures, write books, invent and discover new vaccines, research and learn whatever we want to..?

In simpler times… everyone had a slot they could fill… there was a need for everyone to participate… everyone had opportunity & purpose…

technology & efficency is changing the old ways…. as new technology is doing our work for us… it is also forcing us to evolve … we need to learn to share, to be benevolent…. to demand equal opportunity, participation and health for all…

a poor consumer makes a poor consumer…

why are even the wealthiest companies worried ? .. because their customer base is disappearing … and they know it… we need to evolve, we need to advance… we need to get enlightened…

the war machine continues to advance… why ?… I can not think of a better business model… build products that blow up… products that immediately need to be replaced… is that too far fetched ? … I mean really.. how many different ways do we need to invent to kill each-other ? … it’s all about cashflow.. economic exchange …

Is it simply greed ? … or is it survival…. trying anything to keep the system going ?

Expansion of governmental positions… Expansion of Legal positions and new Laws on top of new Laws… visits to multiple Medical Specialists, simply to treat a common cold… All for survivial… trying anything to keep the system going… trying anything to keep people employeed…

the answer is truly simple… we need a larger consumer base…. we need a healthy consumer base…. we need to create new opportunity… we need to create new resource… we need to invest in people…we need to invest in culture… we need to invest in that what machines cannot replace ….

We need to reach beyond mere economic wealth… we need a Renaissance…

Is Articulation not wealth?.. Is Integrity & Pride not wealth?.. Is Spare time not wealth?..

If an enterprise creates new jobs… creates new consumers… how is that not as “importent” as providing revenue ? … how is that not as “valuble” as providing revenue ? how is that not adding wealth to the society?

If an enterprise destroys jobs… how is that not removing wealth from society?

Free enterprise and competition does work… and works very well to keep economic exchange moving… however, in our modern world it is not enough… We need not replace it.. We need to build on it..

If we are going to solve these things… we need it all … why dismantle or replace anything that works ?

Why become distructionists ?…that leads to little gain…

The economic wealth based system works, it has worked very well for many, many years… let it continue… but let’s not allow it’s institution to deprive us of additional systems waiting for discovery…

Privatise Prisons ? … so we want to create an incentive for more unjust laws to be written… so more can be broken.. to expand the market of buying and selling people’s freedom ?…

Privatise education ?… higher education is privatised … Is it working for the masses? .. many have multiple degrees and little hope for jobs… personnaly I believe privatising education is a promising idea… but not for economic profit… we need something new…

We speak often of “sharing the wealth”… the current economic wealth based system’s do that… they have stock holders they share wealth with… and that is good… it’s bolsters the economy with healthy consumers… but it’s not enough…

Feable attempts to keep people surviving thru unenployment compensation helps… but what does it really accomplish? Is that what we want… a new social class that sits around and watches tv all day?…

We bail out the big banks, but not the once employed consumers… where will that lead?… just postponing the collapse….the banks are too frightened to invest in unsure development…

we need more… we need to invent new opportunity…

The exodus of the church from the impoverished communities…is but another example of a failing system..

The philanthropy dilema … we are losing worthy solutions because of bottom-line profits … many benevolent inventions, discoveries & research programs do not get funded because of promise of little profit margins… and in economic down-turns there is less and less charitable resource…

What if we elevate what “share the wealth” means ? What if we “share the wealth” by allowing more wealth’s into the picture ? .. providing more transactional systems… more exchange, more currency in circulation… we will see an increase of healthy consumers…

What if we had a “Social Wealth”… and we treated it differently …. not as tax payer subsidised “do good” programs… but new additional systems with capitalistic incentives and gains?

What if Social Wealth enterprises could borrow from the FED at the same rates the banks do? … or even at lessor rates…

Would new Social Wealth enterprise not create new consumers? … supporting not only the social based economy but also the economic profit based economy alike? …

How would we do it?…

Could we not have a “Gross Social Product”, a GSP … based on how much currency has been added into the economy through Social Wealth enterprise ?…

Of course we can… why mix tangible and intangible product ?… or tangible and intangible wealth ?….

Why tax the tangible wealth with the intangible needs ?…

We can make the “intangible needs” an industry.. a self-sustaining and profitable industry… we simply need to provide the venue… the resource to allow it to happen..

Why put the burden of supporting needed social programs onto the economic wealth producers when social wealth producers can create wealth also ?…

There truly is a brave and prosperous new world ahead… We simply need to open the door…

“The mechanics of the Occupation of Social Wealth” is coming soon…



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[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

I like the question posed

greed or desperation to keep a system going

[-] 2 points by Builder (4202) 13 years ago

I like your style.

So very many points you raise here.

Too many for most to digest in one meal.

It must frustrate those greedy pricks no end that there are certain areas of life that they simply can't control, or profit greatly from.

Thanks for the post. Solidarity from Australia, my friend.