Forum Post: An invitation to members of the Tea Party
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 4:45 a.m. EST by abmebratu
from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If you are a member or supporter of the Tea Party and you are unemployed, working poor, Middle class, or any other part of the 99% then you should occupy your local square. The corporate sponsored Tea Party is not going to fight for you. You have been duped by a party that was originally set up to fool you and sell you short. The Tea Party is nothing but a tool of big business, banks and corporate power to divide Americans further and confuse the population into disarray. It was designed to cut taxes,deregulate, and cut funding at your district and town for the sake of the 1%. The Tea Party is a front hiding a darker mission behind a mask to redistribute wealth to the 1% just like the bailout did. So you Should come home. Come to occupy were we struggle together each for the other equally.
It's not a contest you know. You can work for a shared goal without either side having to sacrfice their symbolism or ideals.
I agree with you. I hope this becomes true. However, you have to admit, the rank and file of the Tea party might not know it, but leaders knew it all along. I'm talking about the fact the Tea Party was a Trojan Horse for big business, Banks, and Corporations.
"I'm talking about the fact the Tea Party was a Trojan Horse for big business, Banks, and Corporations."
I disagree, and this sort of speech is divisive.
If the truth is divisive then let it be............People in this country are suffering too much for us to be careful about the sensibilities of the Tea party or any other faction.....The truth hurts sometimes, but it's still the truth.
What I mean is the Tea Party was mainly used by the Wealthy class to correct democrats and Republicans, while at the same time to move the debate to budget cutting, which is in the interest of the corporate sector.
You really think "the corporate sector" wants budget cuts?
of course. They don't want their tax dollars going to some public school in the middle of West Virginia. Then want to cut the budget and save their tax dollars. I don't blame them if I were in their position I would try to do the same....Cut throat capitalism. It's the American way my friend.
I think that corporate capital would actually like to PRIVATIZE any part of the Public Sector that offers a potential for profit and history proves that that isn't good for American citizens.
I agree with you.
The original Tea Party members will be rolling in the graves to have their cause so misrepresented simple.
I agree that we need a 3rd force but not the Tea Party. The Tea Party is a Farce. We have enough of the donkeys and elephants. GOP or Democrats. Ross Perot is better but not Donald Trump.
Which corporations fund the Tea Party? Could you post some links?
If the Tea Party could see the hard evidence that they've been co-opted (not just well-intentioned speculation which is all you have here), then you could win them over with the plain facts that they've been deceived.
It was a brilliant plan by the Koch brothers. But this piece explains the history of what happened--with citations:
How the Billionaires Broke the System
Here's a blurb: "... the Kochs’ greatest political triumph is the creation of the Tea Party movement. Taki Oldham’s film AstroTurf Wars shows Tea Party organisers from all over the Union reporting back to David Koch at their 2009 Defending the Dream summit, explaining the events and protests they’ve started with AFP help. “Five years ago,” he tells them, “my brother Charles and I provided the funds to start Americans for Prosperity. It’s beyond my wildest dreams how AFP has grown into this enormous organisation.”
Here is an exchange that describes the method by which to convert the tea party and perhaps compel media documentation of it. They are supposed to stand for the constitution. When they are invited to do so, if they fail, uh, exposure. This includes a look into the deepest problem of restoring constitutional government. We've not known this for 140 years.--
---I've discussed this in posts here. Good strategy for 2 reasons. When more understanding of the bizarro tea party is understood, the 2nd reason can be engaged. Here is some specific strategy that includes dealing with the tea party. TIOUAISE, You must have intended to refer to Article V when using a quote with the word "institutionalized". "Occasional conventions were envisioned by many of the country’s founding generation of leaders to be a sort of institutionalized avenue toward THE IDEAL OF REVOLUTION EVERY TWENTY YEARS, often attributed to Thomas Jefferson. According to Samuel Williams of Vermont (1743-1817), it was to be the means to accomplish periodic constitutional adaptation to changing times.”END-------- WHAT IF; there was a doctrine of natural law, chopped up and partially included in the Declaration, then later, more cut out and placed in the Bill of rights, and this was self evident when the missing parts are recombined with what is carried by our social contract? There is still 70% more still unknown that has exactly that status. What it means is that free speech is not enough to assure that communication are adequate to see that vital speech for survival is shared and understood. The doctrine logically provides fixed criteria which engages public support for speech that reasonably qualifies with priority recognized by moderate numbers of citizens signing petitions. The corporate media will never expose secrets faithfully, but it can deal somewhat IF the public already knows. That is what I'd propose for revision of the first amendment at Article V because the misleading of the people by media is a tragic thing. That is logically followed by election reform. Info then decision.
Well, actually, technically, legally, congress is in violation of the constitution for not convening delgates long ago. Another wiki piece that is verified. WIKI-"Congress acted preemptively to propose the amendments instead. At least four amendments (the Seventeenth, Twenty-First, Twenty-Second, and Twenty-Fifth Amendments) have been identified as being proposed by Congress at least partly in response to the threat of an Article V convention."-- Legally, based in that, American citizens have had their first right violated for a long time. Here a law suit uncovered some facts about congress and Article V. Good links, resources there.------
Also, congresses interpretations of Article V lack the constitutionality that is in the intent of the constitution when the 9th amendment and 14th amendment are considered, so all of their decisions based in the erroneous, unconstitutional interpretations are questionable. I'm quite certain that IF OWS focused on Article V, and called for the tea party to "Join in defense of the Constitution by use of the Constitution", the level of embarassment known by tea partiers in NOT using the constitution would have them either converting the tea party or parting ways.-- ON EDIT: TIOUAISE wrote: "THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT IS ILLEGAL and therefore MUST be challenged by all patriotic and law-abiding Americans,"END- Yes, and after many years of knowing that the failure of Americans to drive congress to convene, after the civil war, and formally end it, I found the "Lieber code" and that it was used by congress to allow the defacto military government to continue without being made consttitutional, explaining, for example, the gold fringed flag is allowed in the courts. The "Lieber code" was the rules of engagement for the civil war and is still in effect. This page has much of that consolidated. See the .pdf download for the bits about the Lieber code and what led to unconstitutional government.------
Welcome Tea Party members. Now lesson number 1. Revolution and change: Reality and deception.
So foolish... weren't we were having a family night???
It's mostly Democrat or Republican controlled municipalities that are attacking the working and lower middle classes and they're doing it to retain the vote (as opposed to raising taxes to cover their immense deficits). It's decidedly NOT the Tea Party (but perhaps a false prophet) who are doing this. The Tea Party "people" are already here... they were here long before your inception; in fact, they were here long before their own inception.
The Tea part is a Trojan horse of corporate money pretending to be everyday people
Tea baggers are racist liars. Fuck them all.
Job boom plan for America
For the protest to guarantee winning the next election the plan needs to be force the multinationals to buy all their supplies made by American workers. Prevent any imports from China and known slave states from being unloaded. The 13th amendment abolished slavery. Having slave made goods in America is unconstitutional.
Unions should have their own pay scale. Any workers who don't want to join the union will need to negotiate their own pension, their own wages, their own health care.
End all tax deductions or tax credits and use a sales tax to collect taxes so even criminals will pay their taxes. Eliminate the entire IRS which would save $400 billion annually.
To refuse to vote for that platform would be stupid and insane.The privileged keep ripping all the rest of us off and we are morons allowing that to happen. Any person against this plan is sabotaging the OWS protest and needs to be heard. Let's hear any reason to oppose this end globalization screw job.
hey man, not everybody in the Tea party is a racist. Most of them are too naive to know who's side they should be on. I don't blame them. Given the bombardment of corporate propaganda in this country, it's not surprising to see people vote against their economic and political interests. It's also not surprising to see many Americans join the Tea party........Our media has managed to created millions of people that are confused, afraid, and incapacitated. We need to bring these people on board. We need them and they need us.
They are all racist liars.
I wouldn't be in any party that is 90% racist screwballs.
The propaganda trance works better than prisons and guns to make you vote against everybody's interest.
^^And this is why you will lose the American public.^^