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Forum Post: Adam Carolla, a perspective on the OWS movement. Thoughts?

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 9:56 p.m. EST by Joyce (375)
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[-] 2 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

This subject has already been posted here many times.

It's only meant to incite hatred between right&left wing sock puppets.

Take everyone off the eye of the real subject at hand, which is everyone is going to get economically fucked, even if they haven't already.

Generating hatred for or against the people on the street simply takes peoples mind off the real grievance.

[-] 1 points by rockyracoon2 (276) 13 years ago

yes, excellent point.

[-] 1 points by necropaulis (491) 13 years ago

Pretty interesting comment from someone who writes under the moniker of a pretty offensive term for a homosexual person....

[-] -1 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

IRS-FAGGOT, I took on the moniker only because I'm an IRS agent and most of my co-workers like to fuck people in the ass.

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

I never USED the word homo-sexual FUCKHEAD. Did you ever see shawshank redemption? You know when Robbins say's to Freeman, "But I'm not homo, I don't want a dick in my mouth or ass", and Morgan say's . "They're NOT homos, they're sadists"

Understand NUMB-NUTS the US GOVERNMENT the FBI, the IRS we're NOT homo's were SADIST's OK?

Will somebody here please tell necro-philia that I'm a homosexual and I love men, but their has to be real love, that is what homo-sexual is about love, but the US system is about RAPE, and RAPE is not love or homo-sexual,

OK?? NUMBNUTS understand?

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

A guy defending hte name IRSfaggot.... We have officially overdosed on stupid pills..

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

Welcome to the brave-new-world of OWS Well at least nobody's invoked Godwin's law for a nanosecond.

Nothing to defend the IRS is my employer, and I'm as queer as a $3 bill, and in my circles 'fag' is good word, long ago 'gay' meant happy before the right wing demonized the use of the word. Proud to be FAG and proud to be IRS, and proud to be an ameriKKKan. Well all true except for the last.

[-] 0 points by necropaulis (491) 13 years ago

But you don't think it's a little counter productive to use such a term?? If your coworkers were homosexuals, what do you think they think of your position. This is another example as to why "they" don't want to listen. You're not gay, correct?? You claim your coworkers like to fuck people in the ass, but your moniker insinuates you like to fuck people in the ass.... picking up what I'm putting down??

[-] 0 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

The mirror produces a difficult reality which many are unaware of. That's all.

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

You don't have to talk shit, say what you think. You posted a link to a bigoted hate filled racist whose only goal is to incite OWS protesters and make RushLimbaugh lovers wet their pants. Obviously your panty's get wet when you hear grown men use potty words, otherwise you would not have shared your trash with us, So please share with us what you see in your mirror? I would love to know?

Carolla is a typical MSM rich guy its easy to make fun of the poor when your driving a BMW and people listen to your potty talk and pay you to boot. LIMBAUGH is exactly like CAROLLA they pity nobody. They're 100% assholes. I hate the people that RUN OWS, but that said, at least people are SPEAKING-UP to the fascist-nazi power machine that Limbaugh fronts for.

[-] 0 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

Hmmmmm, and the anger you espouse stems from........reality? I stated nothing in regard to rush or otherwise. I'm just sad that you did not include Bush in your rant. "incite" please clarify....perhaps this will help you better understand A.C: Stephen Crane voiced his OWS opinion, anachronistically,  in 1899. 

A man said to the universe: "Sir I exists!"  "However," relied the universe, "The fact has not created in me a sense of obligation."

[-] -1 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

Anger, and bullshit for the second time, I asked you to tell us what you see in the mirror? Do you understand the question or are you going to play LimTard?

[-] 1 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

In the  mirror, beyond my own "mean egotism" (do tell you recognize the literary allusion- ah, but the passive nature of the Internet should help you) I recognize the vast opportunity    afforded all in the reflection of all things, in this greatest nation on God's green earth. And why would you assume that I listen to an instrument of entertainment, hence  Rush?

[-] -1 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

Is this sarah-palin or bachman?

You come to our sacred and holy OWS forum, and you post a link to bile, from a man who is a comedian, and whose idea of 'fun' is making ridicule of disabled children.

One can only assume that you were amused by the bile, for why else did you want to share? My point was that many people already today made OP's on this very subject and very broadcast, thus you either didn't bother to read before post, or you chose to rub shit in the salt wound we call the dying OWS.

Like I said in my first reply, I listened to this guy and what I found sad, was that he never once agreed that their is a real problem. It's one thing to make fun, its another to deny there is a problem.

Like you when you look into your broken mirror you see egotism, and you spout the words of Limbaugh. Your obviously a successful avatar or you wouldn't be in the cesspool with us losers telling us about your egotism.

I think there are REAL problems in ameriKKKa, but people like you only only see comedy the misery of others.

[-] 1 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

To help you beyond your rush fixation ( not mine) the "mean egotism" is attributed to Henry D. Thoreau. Should not that fulfill your utopian ideal? Or are you still lost?

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

Do you realize that your a boor?

I used to enjoy Thoreau, then I found Tocqueville.

You still haven't told us why you posted your BILE on our site in the first place?

[-] 1 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

On "our site"? I thought this was an open forum for all ideas. For such a Thoreau scholar, did you miss that semester? Too funny. YAWN....another simplistic, narrow vantage...and you call me a rush fan? Lol. Go listen to Adam C again and face reality. I can't help you. Best of luck. Night child.

[-] 1 points by mgm8822 (1) 13 years ago

Sounds like the mindless rant of a has-been with too much money and time on his hands.

He was pretty funny on Loveline (over a decade ago), I will give him that. But as far as his political opinion goes, it's worth about as much as a piece of used toilet paper.

Howard Stern befriended the guy because he knew he was never a threat in the ratings department, and he was right. He then got his own show on terrestrial radio where he had to do weather and traffic every 5 minutes with Bonaducci (humiliating enough in and of itself) and now he's reduced to ranting like a madman into a microphone in his basement about "those damn self-entitled kids."

Boo!! Get that man some talent!

[-] 1 points by jbob (74) 13 years ago

awesome. tells it how it is. and you cant disagree with that.

[-] 0 points by eyeofthetiger (304) 13 years ago

his name is Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl

[-] 0 points by anonymouse (154) 13 years ago

He sets up the old "just looking for a handout" strawman, and then rants about it angrily. It's probably funny to those who share his ignorance, but it's not an actual criticism of the movement. He's a comedian, not an economist or politician.

[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

I don't really care what that egotistical pile of puke thinks.

[-] 0 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

A man said to the universe: "Sir I exists!"  "However," relied the universe, "The fact has not created in me a sense of obligation." 

Stephen Crane voiced his OWS opinion, anachronistically,  in 1899.