Forum Post: An idea to promote to get more public support
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 2:57 a.m. EST by factotum
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The stated goals of OWS, and its various subsidiaries are admirable. However they all have serious flaws as far as recruiting supporters:
Get money out of politics: I see this as being extremely vague, and I have no idea how one could make it happen in, say less then 10 years.
Removal of corporate personhood: This is an idea that is much more achievable. Corporations are, after all, creaters and creations of the state. Thus it is proper for the state to establish the rules under which corporations can exist, and what rights, obligations and privileges that their owners and directors shall enjoy. This is probably doable within 4 years (two election cycles or less) What is needed is a draft of a basis for a law to be put before the congress.
True economic equity: Without a well defined plan this will never happen. Just so happens that I may have one.
To start with, I think that most people involved with OWS would agree that if people could find gainful employment, then there would not be an OWS. Certainly, if people have the talent to create OWS then they probably have the talent to create profitable businesses that also create jobs.
I would like to propose a few ideas:
Eliminate all income and witholding taxes on anybody earning at a rate of less than 150% of poverty level.
Eliminate all licensing and regulations for anybody seeking employment EXCEPT that for any list of occupations that the state deems appropriate, a person seeking employment in a field, must demonstrate that they are insured or bonded for some amount of money.
For any small business there shall be no regulation beyond zoning regulations. A small business can be defined in various ways, but I would suggest something along the lines used here: The definition can vary by circumstance – for example, a small business having fewer than 25 full-time equivalent employees with average annual wages below $50,000 qualifies for a tax credit under the healthcare reform bill Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.[2] However such a business shall be required to have insurance or bonds of at least, say, $50,000 or some fraction of their gross or net income depending on the type of business that it is.
Any city shall create zoning free areas where people may have and run businesses out of their homes similar to what happens in such cities as Houston. Any city over X sq miles or Y population (X & Y to be determined) shall set aside at least 10% of its area for such zoning free areas.
As problems with regulation free, but properly responsible business are worked out, then the scope of regulation free but responsible business shall be expanded by doubling the size to which such laws apply every year so that in 10 years or less no business with fewer than 25000 employees shall be subject to any regulation.
The single exception to this shall be insurance and bonding companies and their regulations shall be limited to ensuring that they have public audits every year or two.
The best thing about tAhis proposal is that it is very specific, and will result in smaller less expensive government, and many more jobs. In addition, it kind of co-opts the tea partiers and the republican party in general.
I am sure that refinements are possible.
You are saying it is better to use motor bikes than a bicycle to cross oceans but OWS say why not to try jets(aircrafts).