Forum Post: An idea to make OWS more successful
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 5, 2012, 10:36 p.m. EST by Ebonyrose
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
First of all, let me say that I am a non-occupying supporter of the Movement. I have donated, but do not physically protest.
As of late, I have been hearing less and less about OWS activities, and have talked to some people who aren't even sure you're still actively protesting. And with the corporate media being what it is, I doubt that's going to change anytime soon.
My suggestion is that OWS should formulate the protest into something that other people, like me, the 99% you're fighting for, could and would be more inclined to get involved in, in order to HELP you help us ... and yourselves. You need something with a little more "teeth" so that those you are protesting against can REALLY feel your "bite"!!
Perhaps you should consider trying a new tactic ... like organizing and successfully implementing "boycotts" that target the specific WS companies and individuals that you would like to bring attention to.
For instance, you could call for a day of "boycott" against the banking industry by calling for a day of cessation of banking services by its customers. Or you could protest against the big chain stores by calling for a monthly or weekly day of boycotting them and shopping at small businesses instead. Or you could boycott Big Oil companies with a certain day of the week of boycotting buying gas.
With your movement waning and less and less people being involved and informed about it, perhaps a change of direction in 2012 might help keep the momentum going.
Simply calling attention to the injustices done by Wall Street companies is not going to accomplish what you want. They don't care if we're mad. They DO care about our money, though.
When you stop the flow of it coming to them, then you will be talking their language. And they might actually be willing to listen to what you have to say. And more Americans will probably be willing to add their "voices" as well by joining in.
Just a thought! And good luck to all of you who are carrying the torch for good!
This was my first time visiting this website. And I only really did so to post my suggestion. So, unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to read all or even most of the posts on this forum. :)
But my way of thinking is that ... the one and most important thing that OWS has going for it is the ability to mobilize. That's half the battle of effecting any kind of change. With no stated goals and an edict to avoid the formation of any type of formal leadership to guide your endeavors, the only cohesive sense of 'common ground' comes in the form of an agreement on certain issues that negatively affect the 99% of the population.
If, as a group/movement, you can agree to target one or more specific industries or issues, and focus your attention on protesting against it by calling for a boycott of its product - and keeping at it until you begin to gain results ... then you can make OWS a movement that actually produces successes!!
For example, the "Move your money" day against the banks did produce minimal results ... but it WAS only ONE day!! Maybe if you advocate that EVERY Saturday in January (and then extended through February, if need be) is "Move your money out of a bank day" .... perhaps more and more people on each successive "Move" day would join your movement until it actually began to affect the number of depositors with big banks!!
Or advocate that every Wednesday is a "Don't buy gas" day!!
There's enough protesters in enough cities to get the word out to residents in the regions that they live/occupy. A sustained, coordinated "attack" against a certain industry would eventually gain attention and support and participation if you allow for enough time and opportunity for people to learn about it and the join in.
This si a good point. Right now I thin OWS is at a crossroads envolving leadership. There is simply no longer any coordinating center, as there was is Zucotti park, and therefore no way to coordinate and concentrate action. Will OWS rise to the occasion and deal with this? Stay tuned for the next episode!
How about a cereal boycott? A 16 Oz. box costs $3.00 or more, but the corn or wheat only costs 11-12 cents. I don't know of any common food that has such a high markup. This is how corporate America gets rich, at our expense. Produce low and sell high. Boycott the big four, Kelloggs, Post, General Mills, and Quaker. There are many generics available to buy instead.
Your idea is good (in answer to Kingscrossection) (and often talked about in this FORUM, and once or twice implemented).
Suggest, Ebonyrose, the following:
1) identify a company that is attempting to corrupt our government 2) justify this accusation with evidence 3) identify a company product or service that consumers can boycott 4) suggest alternative sources for products or services of which the consumers can avail themselves during the boycott 5) suggest ways we can monitor the larger consumer response to a call for a boycott 6) suggest ways to communicate with the consumers to initiate and maintain the boycott 7) suggest ways to communicate with the company that is being boycotted 7) suggest ways that the remediation of the company can be monitored 8) suggest an initiation date for the boycott, and a criterion for ending it 9) listen to ideas from others on this FORUM in response to your suggestions, and revise your plan as necessary. 10) if you receive significant support, then proceed as the boycott leader and put the boycott into effect according to your improved plan.
That may be a lot to ask for, but good ideas must be supported by good plans as well as the actions of good people.
What is good?