Forum Post: An idea for discussion
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 1:01 a.m. EST by Skeptic
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I've been following this for a few weeks now and would like to pose an idea.
Focusing on the income inequality as a retort to the taxation inequality. If the top 1% make 70% of the income and only pay 40% of the taxes, it is inherently unfair. Tie that into corporations facilitate an aggregation of that wealth to that 1%.
Policies of governments should reward profit sharing at the employee level where the workers benefit on an even playing field with the executives and wages / bonuses are cannot be skewed to reward short term thinking.
This is really just an inkling of an idea but something akin to benefits to companies (in what ever form stimulates this behavior best) that find a way to create a ratio between worker compensation and company profits.
Tackle the greed through beneficial policies. Feel free to rip this apart through discussion / trolling/hivemind perhaps we can make this something more concrete. Economists welcomed :)