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Forum Post: An Gorta Mor and the END

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 3, 2012, 11:18 a.m. EST by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Before I begin, let me preface by acknowledging that I am not very good at sharing. While opinion may be as easily had from me as a dime for the bus, and while some may insist that that opinion is certainly worth no more than that, yet I insist. I am not very good, at sharing.

You will not find me lounging in some commune, ruminating on how best to either solve the current geopolitical crisis of the day nor escape the hours necessity of labor. I am just not that comfortable among the company of many, where the pride and possession of one may be had by all.

That is not who I am.

I come from a land that has, for well over a century, been governed by hardship; where the principle of American Exceptionalism is not some cheap bauble thrown to the mass of humanity out in the square, and so temper the growling in their stomach by heroic visions that will not feed their children. No I do not. Where I come from, American Exceptionalism has been nothing short of a necessity of survival.

While the whole of this nation quivered like some school girl giddy with anticipation as Manifest Destiny laid waste American homes, and American culture, of a people who were themselves, Exceptional, my people tightened their belts and made do, laughed at our selves and our plight, stoic and sanguine with the livelihood of what export we were allowed, that of rock, and of ice, and of men. The return on such investment is not easy to measure.

If such an assessment is to begin, then it must begin with the insight such experience must bring.

None of us are our brothers keeper, no more than our brother keeps us.

This is the wisdom of hardship and of survival.

And so I say that both the conservative ideology of today, and the party that holds it forth as a virtue, must vanish. They do not contribute to the survival of their neighbor any more than they do to the interests of this land, this nation, this people of Exception.

On the contrary, they do it great harm. What is more, this can be shown to be true throughout history.

An Gorta Mor - the Great Hunger that swept Ireland and reduced the Irish population by over one third, turned from a dire calamity into outright disaster, and it did so on the basis of conservative ideology. As the Irish potato crop failed, English landed gentry realized tremendous profit. Rather than accept the reality that the fruit of their field was insufficient to sustain the people of Ireland, they engaged in protectionist legislation on imports from America and so preserved their harvest of excess. This in turn nearly brought about revolution, and an end of the crown.

Over one million Irish, men, women, and children, died, from starvation and disease. This was the cost of conservative ideology in Britain, circa 1850. This is conservative excess, drenched in the blood of their neighbor.

The modern conservative of today is little different, and completely unable to grasp the necessities before us, nor truly understand where their own self interest does lie. They bring as much peril upon their own heads as they do any of the rest of us, and would have us believe that indeed, no such peril even exists.

While the forces of al Qaeda arrayed against us, and drew blood, a cost of American lives, their chief obsession remained with steadfast and obstinate insistence, upon the issue of a single blue dress. These men are not patriots.

We have lost two precious decades as the ice caps retreat. Only now do they begin to curb the flow of wealth propping up their delusion.

The conservative ideologue and repelican psycophants are most clearly finished in America. I await their sudden and clamorous epiphany with eager anticipation.




  עדינות יעיר את הילדים שלי, השחר שואב קרוב שששש

  לפייס לא ליצן או מלך בבית המשפט של פשיזם




Read the Rules


[-] 3 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 12 years ago

Or more is right! It's been that way for five that I know of. I first voted against repugnacants in 1968. I knew they were morons like my John Bircher uncles, by the time I was a high school sophamore.



[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 11 years ago

''Shameful Exceptionalism'', by Paul Balles :


''We now live in a nation where ; doctors destroy health ; lawyers destroy justice ; universities destroy knowledge ; governments destroy freedom ; the press destroys information ; religion destroys morals and our banks destroy the economy.'' (Chris Hedges)


'''All You Can Do Is Pray': What Poverty In America Really Looks Like'', by Barbara Raab :

Appending the above after following links to your forum-post, reading and then seeing your comments above, as the matters alluded to in both articles, fit the frame here.

e tenebris ...


[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 11 years ago

Ohkaaay, I'll bear that in mind & in the meantime :

''The too big to fail banks are now much, much larger than they were the last time they caused so much trouble. The six largest banks in the United States have gotten 37 percent larger over the past five years. Meanwhile, 1,400 smaller banks have disappeared from the banking industry during that time. What this means is that the health of JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley is more critical to the U.S. economy than ever before. If they were "too big to fail" back in 2008, then now they must be "too colossal to collapse".

''We are witnessing a consolidation of the banking industry that is absolutely stunning. Hundreds of smaller banks have been swallowed up by these behemoths, and millions of Americans are finding that they have to deal with these banking giants whether they like it or not.'' Also fyi :

radix omnium malorum est cupiditas ...

[-] -1 points by AlaskanHusky (-6) 11 years ago

getting all your info from one site run by one guy ain't too smart.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 11 years ago

Each article is best judged on it's own merits but if you want to take a overall view made upon little or no facts and only your own preconceptions, then just keep sticking to the alleged range of the Corporate MSM - brought to you by 'many people', so as to help you to manage your mind and keep you suitably anaesthetised. Isn't there a sledge you should be pulling somewhere ? Do they have huskies in South East Asia ? From across an ocean here's a ...

fiat lux ...

[-] -1 points by AlaskanHusky (-6) 11 years ago

some articles are good some are not. the fact is it's one guy collecting them. not a good idea to follow one guy. too limited. best to have various influences. but do whatever makes your clock tick. if you like to read all articles collected by the viewpoint of one guy go ahead. might limit your thought is all.

[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 11 years ago

''The Crisis Of Civilisation'' :

There's information to be gleaned from many sources & I append the links above for the interest and information of others on this this thread, as it fits here well tho' you'll no doubt know all about these matters already. Time to return to your manipulative bot antics and 'Concern Trolling' now probably !!

vale ...


[-] -1 points by AlaskanHusky (-6) 11 years ago

what i don't like about infoclearinghouse is that it's run by one guy. who wants to read the news gathered by one guy. that's way biased. it would be funny if you wrote political papers. you'd only have one source!

[-] 4 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 12 years ago

An example of the damage done by the greed of conservatives: When the English looted Ireland, what trickled down to the Irish, whose land they stole? One hundred and seventy years ago famine was the reward for cooperation with the English lords Cromwell and Orange had installed.

Amartya Sen knows the answer. 'For much of his career, Sen focused on the fact that during the worst period of the Irish famine of the 1840s, “ship after ship sailed down the Shannon, bound for England, laden with wheat, oats, cattle, hogs, eggs, and butter.' In 1998, Sen was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics.'”

Derived from: How Does That Work? https://www.createspace.com/3852916


[-] 3 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 12 years ago

I'm not trying to hustle you. But when you get around to it you'll find many examples of economic/cultural destructiveness and dysfunction perpetrated by conservatives that will support your theses. Most come with references.



[-] 2 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 11 years ago

Might be nice to put up one with links. This piece was nice and succinct.

Excellent without links.

You could expand into a book, or a next chapter applied with contemporary repelicans.







[-] 2 points by jph (2652) 12 years ago

I agree that the republicans are repugnant, and an example of selfish greed in the face of overwhelming human need,. however you still persist in using the word conservative to tag them, when they are straight up greedy self-interested bigots,. nothing conservative about them, they advance a terrible agenda of increasing self-interest, not conservatism.

con·serv·a·tive [kuhn-sur-vuh-tiv] adjective

  1. disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
  2. cautiously moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate.
  3. traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness: conservative suit.
  4. ( often initial capital letter ) of or pertaining to the Conservative party.
  5. ( initial capital letter ) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Conservative Jews or Conservative Judaism.




[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

people taking opportunity from crisis



[-] 1 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

15 percent of the group under dicussion say Romney killed Osama bin Laden. More were unsure.

That is what happens when the news source Faux News is under corporate party control, and is not balanced, or fair, just fiction.

We can change it Colbert report show after Ryan speech.....we can change facts, reality, and word meanings for our ends, which justify any means. This shows the real values of these people, who are Lars, and reward the greatest lie, as long as it is said with conviction and certitude.

the problem for the rest of us is msm media is not much better....will not Provide criticism and insight, but must show 2sides of every issue. Just 2 sides, not multi sided, the minimum, leaving hitler in the same league as anyone against hitler, both would be given equal time, if hitler reincarnated into a dem or repubeiscam, so the planet can be trashed, air and water spoiled, fish of oceans dying off.


[-] 1 points by yobstreet (-575) 12 years ago

I don't know, I've been banned from this forum twice already for saying I'm a non-religious, pro choice, paleoconservative.

As we all know, those Irish were fiscal and cultural conservatives, and today's American Irish are also very conservative.

We are not our brothers keeper and there's no way in Gorta Mor our brother will ever keep us.

Generations of dependency will not benefit the Irish; it was governmental dependency that had reduced us to the potato as the only single life sustainable force the tax man couldn't steal.

Yup, production has increased and dependency has decreased; crude is less expensive now... so we're going to charge you more for gasoline and fuel oil.

Yup, we've created 500 thousand new [Federal] jobs, but you're unemployed because we lost a few mil in the process.

Yup, we're raising the tax on the rich; despite the fact that we've already raised all taxes on our poor.

Yup, we're going to save the world from its indebtedness, by spending twice as much.

A faint taint of twitter... well, twitter me this - is common sense to be the new evil?


[-] 1 points by yobstreet (-575) 12 years ago

I don't see how you can say that in light of the loss of federal grants to poorer communities. Or the projected future costs of healthcare.



[-] 1 points by yobstreet (-575) 12 years ago

Well... I like listening to the guy, so, "Cool."

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 12 years ago

Hebrew - not me. High school Latin - not enough remembered. But Google Translate is close enough.

עדינות יעיר את הילדים שלי, השחר שואב קרוב שששש

לפייס לא ליצן או מלך בבית המשפט של פשיזם

Gentle wake my kids, dawn draws near Shhhh

Appease a clown or king in the court of Fascism

leniter excitabit liberos meos, aurora appropinqua

placare non maccus vel rex in curia fascism

gently stimulate my children near dawn

not appease the king in the court jester or fascism


[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 12 years ago

Thanks. GT is rough but better than no understanding. The literary rendering is much to be preferred.
















[-] 1 points by PoliticalSquabbleKillsOWS (-29) 12 years ago

The conservatives aren't the problem. The corrupted 1% are.


[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Yes they are.

Where have you been?

Hiding under the bed, making up stories?


OK, now get your stinkle team going on that comment.

You do realize that you too ignore facts?

[-] 2 points by Underdog (2971) from Clermont, FL 12 years ago

That's an excellent article.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

These kinds of studies have been going on for a long time now.

They are real, and so are the results.

Anyone who can believe that interpretations of these results have not been used to exploit us, is just plain naive.

If it's in print for us average schmucks to peruse, even more of those results have already been sold to PR and marketing firms all over the World. The fine points have become intellectual property.


[-] 2 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 12 years ago

What amazes me is that a one can believe the masters are a problem but the fools who eat their shit are not?! Cons like 'tough love.' Maybe there's a place for it afterall.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Be amazed. Be very amazed!!!

Then look at FLAKESnews and all the mini Limbaughs out there and understand where it's coming from.

If you repeat the BIG lie often enough..........................................

[-] 1 points by PoliticalSquabbleKillsOWS (-29) 12 years ago

There are some people who are conservative and who are members of OWS. OWS is open to all ideologies, this is a decision that was taken in a GA at the very beginning of the occupation. We need to work together, and the only way to do this is to rise above partisan politics and concentrate on what we all hate, corruption, greed, etc...

If you want to play partisan politics and push the dems while you attack the republicans, then you should be at moveon.org.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

And if I want to ignore reality, I should become like you?

No thanks.

As always, you have shown that you didn't read a thing from the link provided.

You are 100% fact free.

If you wish to prove me wrong, please provide links to all the conse(R)vative web sites that support OWS.

If you can't?

Then my comment for you Fuck Off, still stands.

[-] 1 points by PoliticalSquabbleKillsOWS (-29) 12 years ago

You don't agree with the GA decision to accept people of all political persuasions in OWS?

You should go back to moveon.org. They espouse your line of thinking.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

WTF You're still here, so you have been accepted......for now.

Even though your own politic, is way out of line.

You should follow the link and read it too, before you comment.

Plus you still use that FLAKESnewsian BS about move on.

Perhaps it's time for you to do exactly that...............moveon.




[-] 0 points by PoliticalSquabbleKillsOWS (-29) 12 years ago

No, there are plenty of democrats that are corrupted. And, there are also plenty of conservatives who are not.

OWS is officially open to people from all political persuasions. This was a GA decision. We attack corruption, not political affiliations.

You would fine a cosy home at moveon.org.


[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

How would you propose we should address the corruption that is you?

Relegate you to the friendly forums of FLAKESnews?


[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago



[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Letterman - got to admit his political material is some of his best material.


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Sorry I missed it. He has got to be in heaven with all of the material the RINO's keep providing him. He will likely be depressed a little after the election.


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

True true - lets hope they have much to cry about.


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Why - Yes - Yes you are. Do IT To IT and lets geter done.


[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Well I mean not to twist your arm or anything.


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

I just briefly scanned - The Fallacy of Territorial Expansion

It looks like an article about lebensraum.

The other article looks to be a smear article.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Something odd in their origin?

Ooops - never mind.

[-] 1 points by ZenDog (10648) from South Burlington, VT 0 minutes ago

I'm tempted to examine both this article and the entire website:


in depth, with an eye toward understanding the spin, what it means, and how this is likely a propaganda tool.

There is a popup banner at the bottom of the page:

The Fallacy of Territorial Expansion

The title here seems as if it would appeal to anarchists within OWS. As long as the underlying message remains one of deregulation - among others - it remains a source of advocacy for the very policies that brought the possibility of OWS into the streets in the first place.

The articles are rather long - which makes an in depth analysis and fact checking a laborious process. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink


[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Cool - then lets get busy. ( didn't twist too hard that time did I ? )


