Forum Post: An End to the Unsustainable
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 3:03 a.m. EST by Marchelo
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The concerns/problems/issues/corruption that is spoken out against all has one common thread that I think would make a solid and broad sound-bite, while also encompassing every major issue mentioned here and on the other Occupy_ sites:
We demand the end of that which is unsustainable.
The inequitable influence of money upon our democracy is unsustainable.
The concentration of our nation's wealth to fewer and fewer individuals is unsustainable.
The unchecked and under-regulated greed of Wall Street is unsustainable.
The subsidies given to Big Agro, Big Oil, and Big Pharma are unsustainable.
The rising cost of healthcare for average Americans is unsustainable.
The abuse of our natural resources in unsustainable.
The low tax rate for capitol gains is unsustainable.
The complexity of our tax code breeds loopholes which are unsustainable.
The application of human rights to corporations is unsustainable.
The list goes on and on. We do so much that is unsustainable in this country, is it any wonder we are facing a crash?
The beauty of this demand is that it is self explanatory and impossible to refute. Something that is unsustainable must by its very definition come to an end. Why not end it now, before it gets any worse? We have perpetuated this fantasy that our actions carry no consequences, and now that they are all coming to a head we can choose to end them on our terms, or wait for the whole mess to crash down upon us. Taking a stand of meeting these blatantly unsustainable practices head on will have broad support.
Detailed real time control of the government by citizens.
We should apply this rule to our movement first: all discussions which decide the future of our movement must be posted on YouTube.
Power must be shared.
Some places to start:
"We demand the end of that which is unsustainable."
So agreed. Thanks.