Forum Post: An Appeal to support The99PercentDeclaration: page 2
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 4:17 p.m. EST by BradB
from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
An Appeal to support The99PercentDeclaration: page 2
more quotes:
"Our city has been going for a couple weeks now, but a lot of them are just starting on 10/15. I think (maybe?) a national GA is a good idea... but that is a BIIIGGG decision... and needs to be hashed out over some time... 10/15 is definitely WAAAY too soon. Also, if this is going to happen, it needs to be done in a way that is very transparent and comprehensive online for nationwide participation. Great ideas."
"You're giving people 3 days to make arrangements and get to NYC?!? This is a mistake. You're shutting out people by acting so fast."
"Electing a national GA might be a good idea, but I think 10/15 is way too soon."
"I was just suggesting in a different thread that each city that has a protest should select one or two representatives to send to a constitutional congress meeting. However, I wish they weren't doing it so soon. Right now, protests are still being organized. I would like to play a much bigger role, but this would mean that I'm out of time."
Kind of looks like consensus :), "too soon". The fact is; "what is really to soon"? Was the launch OCCUPYWALLST September 17, too soon? I didn't know about it before the launch. And the reason it was not too soon is presentation. There was no ultimate end all goals. Still arn't, and hopefully never will be (imo).
As presented. The99PercentDeclaration looks like an "ultimate decision". That is really what needs to be fixed.
QUOTE: "Please understand, this meeting and vote on 10-15-11 is only a meeting to elect an executive committee to begin to process of electing delegates to the National General Assembly. The idea is to get the National General Assembly elected by July 4, 2012 so they can debate and vote on a list of grievances to present to the candidates and government before November 2012. We have to start planning now."
Don't get me wrong, this work is some of the best I have ever seen, this is phenomonal work, no ego, no reach for power, clean. But, imo, please step back a bit and look at the presentation, ;) "...this meeting and vote on 10-15-12 is only a meeting to elect..." I think the words "vote & elect" is the problem... "voting & electing" an executive committee on such short notice will never gain consensus.
Presentation ;). How about, "this meeting on 10-15-12 is only a meeting to introduce the OCC and "Assemble" an executive committee to begin to process of electing delegates to the National General Assembly.
QUOTE: (from another forum) "... If anything, I would eliminate "the ninety-nine percent of," and just say "We the people." This is extremely powerful in its simplicity, its familiar/patriotic ring, its legality, and its wide-ranging potential to solve a lot of the problems...."
I bring this up because I think it is importent to give everyone in the movement a chance to participate from the start. I realize that this IS the objective of the team that have drafted the work, but it is not clear as presented primarily because of "vote & elect". This is not our only task ahead of us There are many many more, "how are we going to create jobs" ? to start with. (that's my primary interest).
I Appeal to NYC General Assembly to concider this fantastic opportunity to gain momentum and some more direction. Please give it legitimacy and endorsement. And I also Appeal to All to present this as an "exploration" and use the word "Assemble".
you know what? ;) It will also create Jobs....
Nice article overall.
I agree that the language we use should be "we the people." I also agree that we should not rush into anything resembling elections on 10/15, but rather use that day to open the process that leads to the 7/4/12 convention.
typo, How about, "this meeting on 10-15-12 is only a meeting to introduce the OCC and "Assemble" an executive committee to begin to process of electing delegates to the National General Assembly.
should read; How about, "this meeting on 10-15-12 is only a meeting to introduce the The99PercentDeclaration and "Assemble" an executive committee to begin to process of electing delegates to the National General Assembly.
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