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Forum Post: An Appeal to support The99PercentDeclaration:

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 4:07 p.m. EST by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

An Appeal to support The99PercentDeclaration: page 1

I have participated in many forums and have read thousands of posts and many extremely good ones. There is one often reaccuring statement "when are we going to do something?". Well the fact is we are doing something. We are building constituency and expanding support. This is very important however, we can also lose support through inaction. People get bored and feel that nothing will ever happen. "nothing is official", maybe the most commom comment. I usually anwser, That is not true, we all have established consensus on "Getting the money out of politics". We need to discover and include everyone and every idea. And not alienate anyone. And that takes time. The beauty of OccupyWallStreet is the leaderless atmosphere, anyone can discuss and develop ideas and actions. And eventually some bubble up to the top, gaining some consensus. The99PercentDeclaration is one of those, it has bubbled up.

Some quotes from the forums,

QUOTE: "I think at the point that we get real election reform, with the money out of politics, We have a new system and we should work through and that because I think most of us still believe in a representative democratic constitutional form of government and that the current constitution is closer to what we really want than we could write, starting with a clean sheet of paper (that wouldn't precipitate a bloody civil war in this very polarized country)."

I love this statement. It says a lot. The first thing; ".... the current Constitution is closer to what we really want than we could write". This is importent in many ways. But the big point that jumps out to me is that the majority of 99% is not comfortable with radical change, "over throw the government" and stuff like that. They are more comfortable with what they know. The Constitution is something that all are comfortable with. Promotion, how something is presented can make or break the idea. "We need to "explore" what we can do within the laws of our existing government to make the change we need". Next, ".....that wouldn't precipitate a bloody civil war in this very polarized country". Not far-fetched if we are not careful, again presentation. Everyone agrees that the country has and is being robbed. "We need to explore options in the case that the current polictical and governmental bodies are not capable or willing to stop the thievery".

QUOTE: "You're stopping short of the real solution. Have a Global General Assembly, not National one. There's strength in numbers."

So true, again presentation. "one step at a time". That's why it's importent not to present The99PercentDeclaration as "the ultimate one action to end all". We need to "explore" right?

the forum software says "article too long, jerk." you too forum software :) page 2 here;



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[-] 1 points by ms3000 (253) 13 years ago

Thank you for your support. We will be there on Saturday to move a vote to election an executive committee to organize a National General Assembly!

[-] 1 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

ms3000, I know you are busy,, did you see page 2 ? for the. record.. I support this either way...