Forum Post: An apology...for LaraLittleTree
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 27, 2012, 8:14 p.m. EST by DiMasciosBridge
from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Sometimes we, (or I)........well...
I sent this Lara............
"Lara...I'm sorry. I haven't been back to this site in a few days, but when I did return I read what I said, (especially to you)...I AM sorry. No one should talk to another like that. I don't really know where that kinda hate comes from, (when it does surface), but I know I don't like it and wouldn't want it done on anyone I knew or cared about. I will delete it right now! ...and I hope you accept my sincere apologies as I promise to never speak like that to ANYONE again. ...sorry me".
Just thought it IMPORTANT to share.
Thanks for listenng.
We are off to Mohegan Sun partying. I will let her know as soon as I get her off the bathroom floor and clean the Vomit off her.
Put her in the bath tub fill it up with warm water. Go down stairs have a few drinks , hope for the best.
Shameful yet somehow sensible.
How is this shameful?
It is sensible to put It in the Tub filled with water.It is shameful to only have a few drinks.
You were no fun @ Mohegan lost all your $$ and then you were crying....I kept a very big distance from you ...when I saw what you were wearing, ...looked like ladies clothes.
What the hell did you write?
You people don't deserve Lara. If she ever does come back, it will be an act of mercy, and you better appreciate it.
Sorry Bon Ton shes lookin a little pasty like newt right now. Hopefuly I will be able to revive her after i finish this six pack of Bud.
Best way to bring that little husey around is to place a plastic bag over head. Maybe you might want to stuff a ball or two in her mouth while you are at it.They say it helps with the nasal passages.
I got the bag aver her head but im not puttin no balls in that trap.
Go ahead son just give it a try.If you can't rustle some up ask the bell boy for some.Just be sure to give him a good tip for the use of them there Balls.
Bell boy says he dont want to share his balls with her.
Find the Manager they are always Republican conservatives . He will have no qualms about puttin them balls in here mouth.
thanks Bon bon...your a friend. Have a good night honey.