Forum Post: Amusing Photo on Trickle Down Economics
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 17, 2012, 8:33 p.m. EST by jk1234
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 17, 2012, 8:33 p.m. EST by jk1234
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
That is funny.
It is, for about four seconds...and then you realize it's true
Wouldn't it be great if we could reach through time and the screen and choke the bejeezes out of them?
That would be fun and stress relieving.
I agree.
As if YOUR (rich) liberals stopped you from getting poorer and poorer for 50 years. YOU voted for Him.
Which is worse, believing it and finding out later that it isn't true or believing it, and believing it and believing it...............?
Just look at the stock market,,,, nobody but YOU are waiting. Who does wipe your butt?
And you were in the stock market in 2007, 2008 and did what?
You apparently dont own stocks. Yes I owned stocks in 07 and 08. I still own them. I never sold them. I actually bought MORE. When you buy dollar stocks for pennys on the dollar they HISTORICALLY become much larger dollars when the market comes back. Every day the market was down,, I bought more. Today those stocks were WELL WORTH the purchase. I never sell on the low side,,, I BUY and BUY. Your question shows how stupid you are.
Everyone here loves trickle down economics. Instead of people spending or investing their own money, you would rather have the Government take it and trickle it down to groups or people you deem are more worthy to have it.
After doing this and taking some goodies for yourself of course for thinking of it, you will also feel better about yourself that you helped out those less fortunate than you with other peoples resources.
It is amazing just how far a little hate can go, whether trickled down or applied with the hobnailed boot directly.
You Photoshopped the image. I think it said, ",,, and the whining liberals will get poorer and poorer if they continue to vote another 50 years for THEIR democrats to TAKE CARE OF THEM." We are still laughing at liberals.
And it still hasn't trickled down, and you believe it and you believe it.....................................................................................................?
I do believe it. It has trickled down to me and MILLIONS of others. You have to want it to get it. I wanted it and rather than wait for mother government,, which doesnt seem to have responded as the poor continues to get poorer,,,, I did something about it. It appears like you just sat there waiting and your are disappointed and miserable. You must be proud of your mother. (dont know if you have notice the stock market and what it is doing? Looks like others are NOT like you.
And what do you know about me? You are a member of the 1%? And it trickled down to you how? You do know about the 275% increase for the top quintile while the bottom quintile did not keep up with inflation? This is probably too many questions for you to respond to at one time. So do what you can.
LOL,,, Im no where close to being a 1%. I make under $75,000. I own my own three bedroom, two car garage on a half acre, with two cars under 30,000 miles each with ZERO debt on anything including not owning one credit card. I have invested well in stocks (yes the stock market ) have a very nice IRA and two 401K's. I could retire and never need social security to live on. I have enough cash to buy two new cars if I would need to. I did this based on hard work, personal responsibility, and an economy that did trickle down so I could join in the opportunities. I'm very happy and hate the whiners that want to take from those of us that believe in the American way. "Trickled down to who?" Millions and millions of us.
As I recall, taxes are now lower for those making less than $250 K than they were in 2008. My situation is remarkably similar to yours, however I have retired. I went to cash before the meltdown, bought bonds and remained ahead, diversified again into high dividend stocks for income as its started to come back. Three BR three car, paid cash, little more mileage on the cars but miles accumulate slowly, these days. Have the kids that are local, so we chase grand kids.
But I don't attribute it to the trickle and the data don't show that it did for our bracket either. Quite the opposite. Amounts to about $5-6 grand a year, if the gini factor had continued from the late '70's. There seems to be some disagreement on the American way
I don't see that the 1% have done anything for you? But if you're happy, go be happy. I believe the target you seem to feel that you wear is imaginary.