Forum Post: America's Class War Explained in 1 Chart
Posted 10 years ago on Jan. 17, 2015, 11:31 a.m. EST by BradB
from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
America's Class War Explained in 1 Chart
The system has been effectively restructured to serve the needs of the ruling elites.
By Mike Whitney / The Smirking Chimp January 15, 2015
“Productivity in the economy grew by 80.4 percent between 1973 and 2011 but the growth of real hourly compensation of the median worker grew by far less, just 10.7 percent"
Pathetic. It's time for change, structural economic change, and possibly an entirely new economic system that puts people first. People over profits!
The people profiting is profits??? uummmmm profitable???
Sharing actually feels good. The 1% should try it sometime.
There is absolutely NO reason in today's world of advanced technology and - so - capabilities - why anyone should be living in abject poverty.
The fact that we even have to say it is just so ridiculous.
"More Than Half Of American Schoolchildren Now Live In Poverty"
Blind nationalism will get us nowhere, because that is one statistic no one should tolerate.
Mark those who speak out against free education - those are the enemies of humanity/society.
Taylor Swift is one of them today. An actual young 1%er speaking out against young people having free education. Unfingbelievable.
I believe that SMC would have it right in saying = another sold-out celebrity.
Samuel L Jackson - wants to know - whats in your wallet?
Right. StillMod is definitely right about all of that. Because in the end, greed takes over the soul and no amount of money is ever enough.
Greed "is" the #1 cause of Disease Death And Destruction in the World.
all those things happen with out greed
violence is a choice
almost EXACTLY the answer... except... to be accurate ... we do need both ....
an economic system based on the "well being of the people" .... (the "Social Wealth" of the economy)....
as well as .... an economic system based on the "monetary well being of the economy" ....(the "Monetary Wealth" of the economy)...
and both can be successfully run as free-enterprise systems ... provided we hold both in equal importance ...
the biggest problem in policy & politics ... is the "either / or" mentality ...
just because some believe in "helping the people" ... that does not mean that we can't also allow a strong monetary world to exist also....
as does... believing in strong "monetary competition" ... does not mean that we can't also allow for a strong "well being" world to exist too....
Money, shmoney. No, I disagree. The economic system absolutely must have, as it's primary goal, the interests of HUMANITY. IF it is determined that monetary "wealth" helps humans, great, then it will be put into play.
But, in the end, it is only human beings that live and love and breathe and think and feel, and it is only human beings, and all 100% of them, for that matter, that an economic system should benefit.
Hi BW ...
well... as much as I would like to see a world where "money" does not play a role ....
I find hard to imagine that even if we got 100% of the country to agree to stop using currency, gold, jewels, collectibles,,, anything of value as a means of exchange ...
that there still will not be people using them....
Honestly ... the fact that money exists not the problem....
The problem is that under current Capitalism ... and any Ism for that matter... money amasses to itself... It's true under any system... socialism, communism, etc...
there will always be some who desire more materialism than others...
now... If we can insure that "everyone" has enough to live an enjoyable, and well-being life ... then who cares that some feel they need more than others ?
an additional economic system based on the "well being of the people" .... (the "Social Wealth" of the economy).... is truly all we need ....
a means for everyone to be able to prosper regardless of monetary standing...
Then I basically agree with you. :) Everyone just needs to have enough to live decently, and, perhaps, even comfortably, dare I say it. There is enough for that.
:) .... and the real beautiful thing about a "Social Wealth" based system... is that;
it is already gaining ground in economic think tanks ....( we don't have to invent any monumental thing )... and ....
it can work ... and is acceptable under any existing government ...
we simply need to show how supporting "Social Wealth" development ... by providing a source of funds (just as the monetary based Federal Reserve funds are allocated) ... can solve many (if not all) of the economic problems ....
"The Revolution is Love" is Charles Eisenstein on a sharing economy or what he calls "sacred economics."
I still like this video. It still speaks to the heart and soul of Occupy despite all that has happened, or not happened, since September 17, 2011.
We can still do this as human beings. The power is within us.
I like it... I wish I could twinkle this... but my point thingys been frozen ,,, ;)
Seriously? The bannings, closed Sign Up, and frozen points nonsense should end. I'm really sick of it. No matter who is running this thing, this is Occupy Wall Street's most official website, and this forum was the one place where anyone could post. The Occupy twitter feeds are not comparable, they are not open to the public. The forum should be re-opened to the public.
And, great video isn't it? Speaks to what we were talking about. Be well.
well .... BW ... I do luv this site... however ...if it ever shuts down ... or does not open up again to new members... I have, & coming as fast as I can get them done.... soon I hope... before it kills me :)
Okay, thanks. I just made note of your sites, cool. I love this site too. I wish those running it would be responsible to the 99%.
I thought that you froze it. Can't you unfreeze and then refreeze it?
naw... I didn't freeze it... I said that to terrorize trashy !! hehehe ....someone? froze it yrs ago.... right after I criticized the negative point function ...
Good Post