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Forum Post: America's business schools train new greed mongers

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 12:14 p.m. EST by MadAsHell (0)
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It is difficult to understand why America's business schools seem to escape scrutiny when they are the training ground for new generations of greed mongers. Particularly outrageous is the fact that taxpayers are forced to contribute to their training programs, since they are tax-exempt havens. These wealthy schools are exempt from federal, state and local property taxes and contributions to their greed-monger training programs are also tax-deductible. For example, people still able to own their homes in Cambridge and Philipdelphia are forced to pay additional property taxes so that Harvard, Sloan and Wharton do not have to.



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[-] 1 points by warmowski (7) from Chicago, IL 13 years ago

Read the Powell Memo for why this is true today.

Quick background: The current Supreme Court's overwhelmingly pro-big business makeup is the result of a project begun by the very pro-big business SCOTUS justice named Lewis Powell in the 1970s. Powell, a Nixon appointee, urged that business schools should be targeted specifically for pro-big business ideological indoctrination in what's known as the Powell Memo.


Read this memo and see, in plain English, how much attention the pro-big business right was to pay to schools, what ideas are driving the business school's educational priorities, and why MBAs come out of these programs today as little more than indoctrinated haircuts, as blinkered and ideologically hidebound to unregulated capitalism as can be.

[-] 1 points by greentara (78) 13 years ago

just ask any college president, the business, law and medical schools SUBSIDIZE the other graduate programs (any fine arts, journalism, sciences, humanities)

[-] 1 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 13 years ago

Are you proposing that our country would be better off without business knowledge? Is NOT knowing business a virtue now?

[-] 1 points by CalifTom (19) 13 years ago

I think this is a very good point and perhaps they can be targeted for future attention by OWS activity. Let's throw in the Law Schools since they are turning out very dark forces into our country. GREED BUSTING